Recent Research Funding

Our innovative research receives support from public and private funding sources that recognize the high-value impact of our work.

Zackary Falls, PhD

  • A translational bioinformatics approach to elucidate and mitigate polypharmacy induced adverse drug reactions. Zackary Falls (Principal Investigator). National Institute on Drug Abuse. $1,046,435. 7/1/2022-6/1/2027.
  • Buffalo Research Innovation in Genomic and Healthcare Technology (BRIGHT) Short-Term Training and Education. Zackary Falls (Co-Investigator). National Library of Medicine. $667,598. 9/1/2022-8/1/2027.
  • SWAXSFold: A new AI tool to determine protein structures enabling structure based drug design. Zackary Falls (Co-Principal Investigator). University at Buffalo. $50,000. 8/1/2024-7/1/2025.
  • Sinsheimer Scholar Award 2024. Zackary Falls (Principal Investigator). Alexandrine and Alexander L. Sinsheimer Fund (J.P. Morgan). $60,000. 11/1/2024-10/1/2025.
  • The Comprehensive Solution to Characterize and Treat Every Disease. Zackary Falls (Co-Principal Investigator). Empire AI - Alpha Pilot. 1/1/2025-12/1/2025.
  • SWAXSFold: Experiment-Guided Structure Prediction for Drug Design. Zackary Falls (Co-Investigator). Empire AI - Alpha Pilot. 1/1/2025-12/1/2025.

Ram Samudrala, PhD

  • Buffalo Clinical and Translational Research Center Clinical and Translational Science Award (CTSA). Ram Samudrala (Co-Investigator). National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS)/National Institutes of Health. $20,178,410. 12/1/2019-12/1/2024.
  • NIH NCATS ASPIRE Design Award. Ram Samudrala (Principal Investigator). NIH. $100,000. 9/1/2019-1/1/2030.
  • NIH NCATS ASPIRE Reduction-to-Practice Award. Ram Samudrala (Co-Principal Investigator). NCATS. $1,220,000. 8/1/2021-1/1/2030.
  • Computational Analysis of Novel Drug Opportunities (CANDO). Ram Samudrala (Principal Investigator). Buffalo Innovation Accelerator Fund. $80,000. 2/1/2021-12/1/2022.
  • Buffalo Research Innovation in Genomic and Healthcare Technology (BRIGHT) Short-Term Training and Education. Ram Samudrala (Principal Investigator). NIH. $672,596. 9/1/2022-8/1/2027.
  • High performance computing drug discovery initiative. Ram Samudrala (Principal Investigator). NIST. $1,000,000. 11/1/2022-10/1/2023.
  • Buffalo Research Innovation in Genomic and Healthcare Technology (BRIGHT) Training and Education. Ram Samudrala (Co-Investigator). NIH/NLM. $4,546,884. 7/1/2017-6/1/2027.
  • Designing nonaddictive pain relievers using artificial intelligence to confront the opioid crisis. Ram Samudrala (Principal Investigator). University at Buffalo Center for Advanced Technology. $42,236. 9/1/2023-7/1/2024.