Team Mission

To protect older adults from medication-related harm across the continuum of care with a three-pronged approach.

  1. Interdisciplinary research
  2. Interprofessional education
  3. Advocacy for policy and system change nationally

We aim to leverage these three synergistic approaches to make a lasting difference.

Interdisciplinary Research Mission

To conduct and disseminate interdisciplinary research aimed at protecting older adults from harm due to medications across the continuum of care. This includes:

  • Patient-driven deprescribing: partnering with patients and their caregivers to empower them with knowledge, skills, and tools to promote self-advocacy.
  • System-driven deprescribing:
    • Interprofessional practice: developing effective team-based models of practice.
    • System transformation: working with practitioners, healthcare organizations, Health Information Exchanges (HIEs), and health plans to ensure the safe use of medications across the healthcare system.

Interprofessional Education Mission

To equip current and future healthcare team members with the skills needed to work collaboratively across settings to prevent medication-related harm across the continuum of care.

Advocacy Mission

To advocate for policy and system change by sharing Alice’s story and our research findings with relevant government offices (state and national), regulators, health plans, and other organizations throughout the healthcare system.