Our faculty are among the nation’s most prolific family medicine research authors, and our work is featured in the field’s leading journals.
Andrew Baumgartner, MD
Roseanne Berger, MD
Steven Foulis, MD
David Holmes, MD
Linda Kahn, PhD
- Stephenson KM, Wahler A, Berdine D, McCormick-Cisse M, Abdelsayed S, Kahn LS. (2024) "I'm not a bad mother:" the experience of stigma among mothers with substance use disorder in the criminal justice system. Women & health (Dec)1-10.
- Knapp KS, Kulak JA, Homish DL, Granfield R, Homish GG, Kahn LS. (2024) Longitudinal trajectories in recovery capital and associations with substance use among adult drug treatment court clients. Drug and alcohol dependence (Jul), 260: 111343.
- Berdine DE, Thomas MC, Kahn LS, Vest BM. (2022) Challenges and Lessons Learned in the Regional Implementation of MISSION-CJ in Drug Treatment Courts. Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.) (Aug), 73(8): 950-953.
Ranjit Singh, MB BChir, MBA
- Clark CM, Guan J, Patel AR, Stoll J, Wahler RG, Feurstein MS, Singh R, Jacobs DM. (2024) Association between potentially inappropriate medications prescription and health-related quality of life among US older adults. J Am Geriatr Soc. (Feb)(2024): 1-9. doi:doi:10.1111/jgs.18957
- Myeni AA, Simmonds I, Orom H, Anderson LM, Singh R, Homish G, Wright AJ, Pigott S, Onoh JC, Hoffman AB, Noyes E. (2023) A qualitative analysis of Black men's attitudes toward obesity and bariatric surgery. Surg Obes Relat Dis (Oct), 19(10): 1100-8. doi:10.1016/j.soard.2023.03.016
- Jacobs DM, Slazak E, Daly CJ, Clark C, Will S, Meaney D, Iervasi V, Irwin C, Zhu J, Prescott W, Wilding GW, Singh R. (2023) Clinical and economic effectiveness of a pharmacy and primary care collaborative transition of care program. J Am Pharm Assoc (Aug) doi:10.1016/j.japh.2023.08.014
Scott Stewart, MD, MS
Sushama Thandla, MD, MPH, FAAFP
Jill Tirabassi, MD, MPH
- Tirabassi JN, Wang J, Zhenqi Zhou R, Hu Y. (2024) Human mobility data demonstrates increase in park visitation since start of COVID-19 pandemic in Buffalo, New York. Preventive medicine reports (Mar), 39: 102650. doi:10.1016/j.pmedr.2024.102650
- Kasprzak CM, Canizares A, Lally A, Tirabassi JN, Vermont LN, Lev S, Ammerman AS, Leone LA. (2024) Using implementation mapping to refine strategies to improve implementation of an evidence-based mobile market intervention: a study protocol. Frontiers in health services (Jan), 4: 1288160. doi:10.3389/frhs.2024.1288160
- Baumgartner A, Tirabassi J, Doyle M. (2024) Scenario-Based Discussion: Using Adult Learning Theory to Improve Discussion on Lifestyle Medicine for Healthy Adults. Annals of family medicine (Jan), 22(4): 355. doi:10.1370/afm.3118
Laurene Tumiel Berhalter, PhD
- Chen Q, Crooks A, Sullivan AJ, Surtees JA, Tumiel-Berhalter L. (2025) From print to perspective: A mixed-method analysis of the convergence and divergence of COVID-19 topics in newspapers and interviews. PLOS digital health (Feb), 4(2): e0000736. doi:10.1371/journal.pdig.0000736
- Solbu A, Cadzow RB, Pullano T, Brinser-Day S, Tumiel-Berhalter L, Kayler LK. (2024) Interviews With Lay Caregivers About Their Experiences Supporting Patients Throughout Kidney Transplantation. Progress in transplantation (Aliso Viejo, Calif.) (Jun), 34(1-2): 21-31.
- Sprague Martinez L, Araujo Brinkerhoff C, Howard RC, Feldman JA, Kobetz E, White JT, Tumiel Berhalter L, Bilheimer A, Hoffman M, Isasi CR, Killough C, Martinez J, Chesley J, Baig AA, Foy C, Islam N, Petruse A, Rosales C, Kipke MD, Baezconde-Garbanati L, Battaglia TA, Lobb R. (2024) Strategies to promote language inclusion at 17 CTSA hubs. Journal of clinical and translational science (Jan), 8(1): e67. doi:10.1017/cts.2024.13
Bonnie Vest, Ph,D.
- Vest BM, Hoopsick RA, Homish DL, Homish GG. (2025) Negative non-deployment emotions, substance use, and marital satisfaction among never-deployed military couples. Military psychology : the official journal of the Division of Military Psychology, American Psychological Association (Jan)1-10.
- Brimmer M, Wahler A, Chambers M, Lynch J, Clemency B, Varughese R, Moore C, Vest B. (2024) Buprenorphine prescription and treatment initiation through preemptive outreach and telehealth consultation with emergency medicine providers. Journal of addictive diseases (Oct)1-7.
- Vest BM, Hoopsick RA, Homish DL, Kulak JA, Homish GG. (2024) Longitudinal effects of military separation and mental health symptomatology on substance use among a cohort of reservists. Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs (Feb).
Kimberly Wilkins, MD