Core Facilities

Our school’s shared core instrumentation and transgenic animal facilities support research by UB faculty and investigators at our affiliated institutions. These facilities not only house state-of-the-art equipment but in many cases also provide data analysis, training and grant writing consultation.

Researchers in our division make particular use of these facilities:

  • Next-Generation Sequencing and Expression
    Offers high-throughput, next-generation sequencing and gene-expression analysis services, including 3’-expression, miRNA, exon and gene arrays.
  • Proteomics/Mass Spectrometry
    Identifies proteins in cell or tissue extracts using several different liquid chromotography/mass spectrometry based approaches.
  • Confocal Microscope and Flow Cytometry Facility
    The Confocal Microscope and Flow Cytometry Facility (CMFCF) is a Dept. Pathology and Anatomical Sciences (PAS) service center serving the researchers in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences as well as the scientists located on the South and North Campus’s at the University at Buffalo. We are part of the Health Sciences Collaborative Core Facilities and work closely with other PAS cores as well as the core facilities in the School of Dental Medicine to provide comprehensive and integrative services to solve the imaging and cytometry challenges presented by cutting-edge research programs. The imaging and cytometry instrumentation installed in the site are the latest, state of art flow cytometers and optical microscopes.