Toxoplasma gondii is an important pathogen for both human and animal health. Infection typically occurs through contaminated food, water, or undercooked meat. Pregnant women can pass the infection to their fetus. While healthy adults usually experience mild, self-limiting symptoms, severe illness can occur in immunocompromised individuals, including fetuses, HIV patients, and transplant recipients. No effective therapy exists to treat chronic toxoplasmosis. There are many aspects of T. gondii biology that we know very little about. My research focuses on mitochondrial dynamics in Toxoplasma. This organism has a single, highly dynamic mitochondrion that changes shape in response to drugs and the environment. We have shown that a parasite-specific protein complex regulates Toxoplasma’s mitochondrial dynamics and division. Recently, we have been interested in investigating how mitochondrion dynamics affect essential parasite processes, such as nutrient acquisition, invasion, and egress. I am also interested in understanding how a parasite’s mitochondrial DNA is maintained and organized.