The New York Pharmacology Society (NYPS) is an annual regional meeting to showcase research in pharmacology by students and faculty.
Information on upcoming and past meetings can be found at the national American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) website.
The conference program includes:
Students and faculty from UB and area universities may submit abstracts for papers or posters on work relevant to the conference’s theme in any discipline. Visit NYPS homepage for information on past and future meetings.
We encourage everyone to join NYPS and ASPET, but you do not need to be a member to present at the annual meeting.
NYPS is a regional chapter of the ASPET. It serves pharmacologists and other scientists at institutions and companies of Buffalo, Rochester, Syracuse, Ithaca, Albany, and surrounding areas. Chapter meetings provide opportunities, particularly for students, to meet at regional venues to discuss their research and to learn of the latest advances in pharmacology. Poster competitions for students are a feature of the chapter meetings. NYPS is a distinct entity from ASPET, and members are not necessarily members of ASPET.