The UB 2020 strategic plan provides a framework for combining existing faculty strengths with investment in world-class new hires and resources to give the university a preeminent leadership role among its peers.
Our department participates in two of the plan’s eight strategic strengths.
The Incident Dynamics Group, led by Steven L. Dubovsky, MD, chair of the Department of Psychiatry, is an interdisciplinary subcommittee of the UB2020 extreme events strategic strength. We use virtual reality modeling technologies to develop more effective ways to respond to pandemics and other events that threaten to overwhelm the health care system.
This group brings together experts in psychiatry, psychology, management, urban planning, information technology, emergency medicine, dentistry and other fields that share an interest in the responses of people, groups and systems to health emergencies.
The University at Buffalo has a longstanding tradition of cutting-edge research into the questions and issues surrounding health and wellness. This strategic strength focuses on three major areas: aging and development; metabolism, obesity and diabetes; and brain and behavior.
As part of this strategic strength, our faculty lead multiple initiatives to develop new models of mental health care delivery and to integrate medical and psychiatric care. We also pursue research collaborations with faculty in a variety of other disciplines: