Disparities (Surgical and Other Research)

Research projects focusing on disparities in healthcare may be eligible for the following funding opportunities.

Due Date Sponsor/Award Description Amount

LOI: 9/29/20

App: 1/12/21


Cycle 3 Addressing Disparities, Assessment of Options, Communication and Dissemination Research, Improving Healthcare Systems

In addition to accepting applications on investigator-initiated topics, PCORI encourages applications from teams with expertise in patient-centered comparative effectiveness research (CER) focusing on the topics listed in FOA. These areas of interest would greatly benefit from interventions that aim to reduce health disparities and improve patient-centered outcomes among at least one of the Addressing Disparities target populations. While PCORI encourages applications in these areas, we remain very interested in other investigator-initiated topics aiming to guide decisions about eliminating disparities in health and health care.  Either up to $2 million in direct costs over a maximum period of three years or awards of up to $4 million in direct costs over a maximum period of four years.
Anticipated 3/1/21

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

Harold Amos Medical Faculty Development Program

Eligible applicants are physicians from historically disadvantaged backgrounds (ethnic, financial, or educational), are US citizens or permanent residents, are now completing or have recently completed their formal clinical training (those at the assistant professor rank for one or two years may apply), and are committed to developing careers in academic medicine. Work should involve improving the health of underserved populations, and working toward understanding and eliminating health disparities. Award covers postdoctoral research with a senior faculty member at an academic center. $105,000/year for four years


6/5/21; 6/5/22



7/5/21; 7/5/22

NIH Surgical Disparities R01 (Clinical Trial Optional)

The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement is to support investigative and collaborative research focused on understanding and addressing disparities in surgical care and outcomes, in minority and health disparity populations. While the goal is to better understand and explore effectiveness of clinical intervention approaches for addressing surgical disparities, this initiative will also seek to identify multi-level strategies at the institutional and systems level. max 5 years