Incoming Resident Week is a week-long orientation for all new residents in accredited medical and dental residency programs sponsored by the University at Buffalo. The orientation takes place at the University at Buffalo South Campus, located on Main Street, and provides the residents with the opportunity to become familiar with the university and affiliated hospitals, meet fellow residents, and participate in several education sessions.
GME hosts a leadership development conference for new chief residents each year in May. This conference provides an opportunity for chiefs from all specialties to come together and build their leadership skills. Attendees receive a helpful resource book, The Chief Resident as Manager, which is a useful reference throughout the year. Popular session topics have included Strategic Communication and Leadership, Professionalism, Caring for Your Residents, Resident Work Hours, Patient Safety, Quality Improvement, Teaching Medical Students, and Conflict Resolution.
Residents, fellows and medical students from all specialties are invited to participate in this interdisciplinary event. By presenting a poster, and hearing colleagues present their work, you’ll gain valuable experience discussing and defending your scholarly work.
The GME office holds yearly sessions to educate residents on contract negotiation and benefit analysis. The sessions, which are conducted by an attorney and insurance broker, are eagerly anticipated by residents. The following additional seminars have been added to create a Career planning seminar series: Choosing the Perfect Fit: Key Considerations in Job Selection, CV Writing and Interviewing Skills.
This program was developed in partnership with the Royal College of Physicians in London.
The Jacobs School is again providing a faculty development program to enhance teaching and evaluation skills for faculty and chief residents. The program is planned in two stages. Stage one will consist of generic teaching and feedback skills, and Stage two will address additional teaching skills, assessment, and struggling learners. All participants are required to attend all sessions and complete an education project as a component of the training. A Peer Support Network will assist participants in completing this goal.
Location: Jacobs School, 955 Main St., Buffalo, NY
Program Fee: Your department is asked to pay the tuition for Stage one in the amount of $1,500.00 and the University will cover the education costs for Stage two. This fee covers the cost of program materials, meals, and assessment and feedback for the education project, as well as CME Credit.
Contact Alicia Blodgett with questions:
Alicia Blodgett
Office of Continuing Medical Education
955 Main St, Room 7205, Buffalo, NY 14203
Phone: 716-829-3714; Fax: 716-829-3999