The Residents as Educators (REds) program aims to provide you with a variety of resources to develop your skill set as clinician educators.
Dr. Diana Wilkins, Assistant Dean for Graduate Medical Education, introduces the Residents As Educators (REds) Foundational Curriculum, a key component of the clinical learning environment.
Dr. Roseanne Berger, Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education and Dr. Alan Lesse, Senior Associate Dean for Undergraduate Medical Education explain the importance of resident participation in the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Science Residents As Educators (REds) Program.
At the Jacobs School, we recognize that you will play a critical role in teaching our medical students. We are pleased to welcome you to our educational team and value your involvement as Clinical Assistant Instructors.
Through a series of educational modules, the REds curriculum design strives to enhance your teaching skills in both the clinical and non-clinical setting. This curriculum is a mandatory component of your training.
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All incoming residents and fellows are required to attend GME Orientation, which includes instruction on teaching.
In subsequent years of training, all residents and fellows are required to complete one online teaching module per year. In addition, training programs are required to conduct one interactive teaching workshop per year. Compliance with these requirements is tracked by GME.
Residents/Fellows who meet expectations outlined above are considered “certified” and receive a REds certificate of completion prior to graduation.
Please check out our training programs that offer specialized training for residents to pursue a career in academic medicine at the links below.