Special Announcements and Statements

We dedicate this space to make special announcements, show support and bring awareness to events or situations that affect our society, locally and nationally. 

A message for our community's bravery and teamwork throughout the devastating blizzard

A Message Regarding the passing of Dr. Daniels and his daughters

A Message Regarding the May 14 Shooting at Tops Friendly Markets

Jacobs School Stands in Solidarity with Ukraine

Office of Inclusion Statement

Diversity Wall Initiative

Group of diverse Alumni sitting and formally posing for the picture.

Dear Jacobs School Community

 As president of the Medical Alumni Association, and a Latino alumnus, I am excited to share that the alumni association has begun a new partnership with the Jacobs School’s Office of Inclusion and Cultural Enhancement and student leaders in the Student National Medical Association (SNMA). Through this partnership, we will provide a platform to celebrate the diversity within our school and to highlight our achievements and contributions as alumni, faculty, students, and residents.

 This year, our priority is to unveil the Celebration of Diversity wall, which will recognize our alumni, faculty and students of color in medicine, especially those who have distinguished themselves and the school as pioneers, innovators and changemakers in health care. This effort reflects our commitment to maintaining connections with you and to expanding them with our current students.

To ensure that our compilation of individuals accurately represents our school’s history in this regard, we invite you to submit updated information about yourself and/or nominate a current or former Jacobs School community member of color (classmate, faculty, colleague) to be recognized for his or her achievements, leadership, mentorship and innovations by completing the form below.

Your input will help us to recognize individuals who — because of their experiences, values, commitment and backgrounds — make our community stronger, unique and an inspiration to those who aspire to follow in their footsteps.

Thank you again for taking the time to contribute to this important project. We look forward to keeping you updated on it.


Raul Vazquez, MD ’89, President, Medical Alumni Association

Mayowa Adebiyi, M2 Candidate, Class of 2024, President, Student National Medical Association

Office of Inclusion and Cultural Enhancement

AMA Guidelines to prevent systemic racism

George Floyd Death's Anniversary

George Floyd Portrait Mural.

The Office of Inclusion at the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences joins our country in remembering George Floyd at the year anniversary of his death, that sparked impactful movements to combat racism in our communities.

Anti-Asian Violence Statement

Statement in Support of our Asian Communities

In solidarity with President Tripathi’s Statement on Anti-Asian Violence and with the communities affected by the shootings in Georgia, the Office of Inclusion and Cultural Enhancement extends its sincere support to all Asian Americans descents, students, faculty and staff in our UB Community and beyond. We cannot stress enough our deep commitment to eradicate any sign of hate, discrimination, harassment or mistreatment in this or any other underrepresented group, and to empower these communities to raise above it and join us in the path of inclusion, diversity, equity and social justice for all. 

The Office of Inclusion and Cultural Enhancement

March 19, 2021