
We are here to advocate for you. Please use the following form to report Code violations to the Professional Conduct Committee (PCC).  The PCC is duty-bound to review every report it receives and will refer reports to appropriate entities should it not be the appropriate one to address your concerns.

  • For those unsure of whether something is a Code violation, please file a report. It is of the utmost importance that we hold each other accountable. Please also reference this table depicting some of our anticipated concerns. You do not need to have a concern listed in this table, you may also reference the Code of Professional Conduct itself to provide a better understanding of how you can report your concern.
  • Although you may speak with a member of the PCC about your concerns, please ensure that you file a formal report using this system.
  • It is also important to understand that ‘EthicsPoint’ will triage reports regarding faculty members to their respective chairs and deans, students to the PCC, and residents or attendings to Graduate Medical Education. If you are interested in filing a report with ‘EthicsPoint’ regarding a faculty member, resident, or attending, please do so here.

Violations Reporting Form