Recent Research Funding

“Our faculty have great success securing competitive grants that allow us to further our innovative research,” says John Canty Jr., division chief, with fellow Amanda Ribbeck.

We receive funding from a variety of sources that recognize the value of our high-impact research.

With the support of government agencies, foundations, institutes and industry, our faculty make significant contributions to patient health and our understanding of cardiovascular disease.

We’ve been awarded grants from numerous funding sources, including:

  • National Institutes of Health
  • American Heart Association
  • Veterans Health Administration

Some of our recent research efforts, listed by faculty investigator, are as follows:

  • Rhythm Evaluation for AntiCoagulaTion for Atrial Fibrillation (REACT AF). Anne Curtis (Co-Investigator). NIH. $66,278. 8/1/2023-7/1/2029.
  • VA Merit Review, 2IO1BX002659, Preventing and Reversing Interstitial Fibrosis in HFpEF. John Canty, Jr. (Principal Investigator). Department of Veterans Affairs. $1,349,984. 7/1/2020-6/1/2028.
  • Enhancing the translational potential of therapeutic exosomes for ischemic heart disease. Jennifer Lang (Principal Investigator). VA. $709,818. 10/1/2023-9/1/2027.
  • Immunomodulation of Galectin-3 to Prevent Radiation-Induced Myocardial Fibrogenesis. Umesh Sharma (Principal Investigator). NHLBI. $1,726,588. 3/1/2021-3/1/2026.
  • Prediction of Arrhythmic Events with Positron Emission Tomography - II (PAREPET II). John Canty, Jr. (Co-Principal Investigator). National Heart Lung and Blood Institute - NHLBI. $3,726,616. 11/1/2016-12/1/2024.
  • The Missing Link: Elucidating the role of periodontitis-derived extracellular vesicles as mediators of cardiovascular disease. Jennifer Lang (Co-Investigator). UB CTSI Pilot Study award. $48,000. 1/1/2024-12/1/2024.
  • INTERRUPT AF: Prospective EvaluatIoN Of Open IrrigaTEd Ablation CatheteRs With High ResolUtion MapPing To Treat Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation. Anne Curtis (Co-Investigator). Boston Scientific. $3,000. 3/1/2019-4/1/2024.
  • PAREPET II: Prediction of Arrhythmic Events with Positron Emission Tomography II. Thomas Cimato (Co-Investigator). NIH/NHLBI. 4/1/2016-11/1/2022.
  • National Institutes of Health/NHLBI, K08. Umesh Sharma (Principal Investigator). NHLBI. $986,850. 7/1/2017-6/1/2022.