Cancer Bronchoscopy Service

In our cancer bronchoscopy rotation, which bolsters your knowledge about the pulmonary complications of cancer, we will train you to work effectively within a cancer institute setting.

Our cancer bronchoscopy rotation takes place during your second and third years of the fellowship. You will rotate with our attending pulmonologist, focusing on interventional bronchoscopy and increasing your experience with cardiopulmonary exercise testing.

You have the opportunity to become acquainted with unique patient populations, including recipients of bone marrow transplants and patients with rare cancers undergoing a variety of experimental therapies.

Through this training, you will:

  • gain familiarity with diagnosing and managing lung cancer and pulmonary complications of other malignancies
  • become proficient in evaluating and treating cancer-related pulmonary disorders
  • recognize the indications and complications of cardiopulmonary tests and learn to interpret their results
  • understand indications, performance and complications of interventional bronchoscopy procedures
  • become competent performing endobronchial ultrasound-guided needle aspirations and other interventional bronchoscopy procedures
  • learn to interpret cardiopulmonary exercise studies

Clinical Sites


You will see at least 80 patients and perform approximately 25 bronchoscopies.

Length of Rotation

1 module during second year of training and two modules during third year of training.