
Case 1 - 55 year old woman c/o left second toe pain for nearly three months after stubbing her toe. Pain is dull, worse with activity. NSAIDs effective.



Case 2 - 5 month old boy, presents with left thigh mass noticed within the first month of life. The mass seems not to bother him. He is reaching all milestones.

Congenital Fibrosarcoma


Case 3 - 12 year old boy c/o right knee pain and swelling for ten days. Painful at rest, worse at night and with activity. Able to ambulate with pain. Initially the pain was accompanied by fever, chills, malaise, nausea and vomiting; all of which have resolved.



Case 4 - 48 year old woman c/o right knee pain for several months. Worse with activity. Motrin has been minimally effective. No trauma. 

PMH: uterine fibroid, hypothyroidism

Giant Cell Tumor


Case 5 - 36 year old woman c/o right anterior and posterior knee pain, swelling for nine months. Persistent, intermittent, sharp pain. Worse with activity. Present at night. Responds to Ibuprofen. No F/C. 

PMH: right breast benign cyst

Pigmented Villonodular Synovitis


Case 6 - 42 year old male c/o a sharp, moderate, constant pain in his lower back radiating down his LLE for four months. He reports some LLE weakness, which does not limit his ambulation. He has also noticed a bulge around his left pelvis. No F/C.

Giant Cell Tumor


Case 7 - 48 year old male c/o right hip and thigh pain for three weeks. Pain is constant, present at night, worse with ambulation. No F/C. 

PMH: 11/05 squamous cell nasopharyngeal Ca s/p radiotherapy and chemotherapy, with complete resolution of the tumor

Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma Metastatic to Proximal Femur


Case 8 - 65 year old male, c/o worsening right hip/buttock pain for six months. Pain is constant, worse with activity. Tylenol helps a bit. No F/C or constitutional sx. 

PMH: Crohn's disease, nephrolithiasis, prostate infection, gallstones

Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma


Case 9 - 16 year old female c/o left anterior knee pain and swelling for one year. Worse with cheerleading, activities. Does not recall any specific trauma prior to its onset.

Synovial Hemangioma


Case 10 - 14 year old male c/o left posterior thigh mass for eight months. His mother noticed the mass, but no ecchymosis, after he fell while running hurdles. He complains of pain only when running long distances, and with prolonged pressure. It has decreased in size only minimally. No F/C.

(diagnosis under evaluation)


Case 11 - 55 year old female c/o right knee pain x 1.5 years. Pain is dull, intermittent, worse with activity. No mechanical symptoms. No history of trauma. Treatment with NSAIDs, aspirations, viscosupplementation, intraarticular steroids provide minimal relief.

Mucinous Degeneration of ACL