
Case 1

C.M. - 38 year old white male with a lump in the right buttock

Aggressive Fibromatosis


Case 2

J.O. - 23 year old white male with right knee pain for several years

Giant Cell Tumor


Case 3

N.H. - 15 year old white male with a slowly growing mass over the plantar aspect of his left foot



Case 4

D.V. - 66 year old white female with a three month history of left calf mass

Myxofibrosarcoma (Myxoid Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma)


Case 5

J.M. - 16 month old white male with a one week history of swelling and tenderness about the left fibula



Case 6

J.P. - 77 year old, right hand dominant, white male with a three month history of right shoulder pain and swelling

Metastatic Transitional Cell CA


Case 7

D.T. - 23 year old white male with a one month history of worsening left lower leg pain

Acute Osteomyelitis


Case 8

C.L. - 12 year old white male who fell while playing football in his backyard, sustaining an injury to his right leg

Non-Osteogenic Fibroma (NOF)


Case 9

L.L. - 57 year old AA male with a greater than three month history of pain in the back of his right knee

Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma associated with a bone infarct