Master’s student Prachi Kulkarni, whose research focus is ICI-induced myocarditis, analyzes various clusters from single -cell sequencing data for T cell activation markers.
The master’s degree in pharmacology (MS) requires a minimum of 30 credit hours of coursework.
Students typically complete our master’s program in two years.
You will conduct master’s thesis research throughout the entire program in one or more laboratories. Writing a thesis document is mandatory.
This curriculum applies to the cohort starting the MS program in Fall 2025 and onward. Current students should consult the printed timelines or email for any clarifications.
Thesis Research, 1 credit
Summer requirement: Apply for full-time status because you will be taking less than 12 research credits per semester for the duration of your program.
You may choose to take an elective course that suits your interest, but it is not required as part of the MS curriculum. For advice, please contact your program coordinator.
You will conduct your mandatory thesis research under the supervision of your major professor and a thesis advisory committee. In addition to your thesis advisor, your committee must include one faculty member from our department and one faculty member from another UB department.
Your research culminates in a written thesis dissertation, which is an original contribution to the scientific literature. You will present your thesis to faculty and students in a seminar, and then complete an oral defense.
We require a minimum grade of B in all coursework.
If you do not meet this requirement in a single course, you will be placed on academic probation. If this happens repeatedly, you could be asked to leave the program. The Graduate School also requires an overall average of 3.0 for degree conferral.