Gain familiarity with court-ordered forensic assessments and develop your clinical skills in a correctional setting.
Rotating through the Erie County Holding Center and Erie County Correctional Facility will help you understand the methodology of conducting forensic assessments for town, county and supreme courts in Erie County.
On average, you’ll conduct two to three forensic evaluations per week. You’ll gain experience assessing defendants’:
You can expect to become adept at organizing and communicating clear opinions and making recommendations to non-medical audiences through forensic reports and testimony.
You’ll learn to maintain effective and accurate records of interviews, which have the potential to become part of evaluees’ and patients’ medical and legal records. You'll also learn about the consequences of various legal and clinical decisions and dispositions.
We’ll help you improve your ability to prepare understandable and thorough documentation in patient treatment records and court-ordered reports.
This rotation enables you to develop your clinical skills in a correctional setting. During your training at the Erie County Holding Center and Erie County Correctional Facility, you can expect to:
You will learn to coordinate care between the correctional settings and the county hospital to meet patients’ treatment needs. You’ll gain experience working with correctional staff, and your experiences during this rotation will strengthen your communication approaches with individuals including:
You can also expect to gain expertise consulting with attorneys, holding center staff and judges during this rotation.
Additionally, we’ll help you refine your skills in case organization, presentation and writing.
Two and a half days per week for one year
10-12 patients
You’ll work with: