Resident Charles T. Camp works with Laura C. Hanrahan, MD, clinical assistant professor of psychiatry. Like Camp, you will have the opportunity to develop your own research project or related endeavor.
Because assessing and conducting research train a wide array of clinical and critical thinking skills, we make completing a research project or related scholarly endeavor a core component of your residency.
We encourage you to develop and implement an original research project on a topic of your choice. You may also conduct a critical review of literature or focus on a unique case report with a review of relevant literature.
Our department sustains a rich, active and friendly research community that includes graduate students, residents and dedicated, world-renowned faculty.
Once you identify your area of interest, you may select a faculty mentor who will work with you one-on-one to carry out your project.
Many of our residents present their research at grand rounds or at national meetings, or by publishing it as an article.
If you have particular interests in conducting research as a resident, or if you have research experience, contact the training director to discuss how our program can support your endeavors.
A faculty and resident committee reviews the scholarly works our residents submit for presentation at national meetings and makes recommendations to the chair regarding funding. Our department will fund travel, up to $1,500 per conference, to present scholarly work.
You may also wish to apply for the residency research track at the end of your first year of residency. This gives you access to apprentice activities such as workshops on grant writing, monthly research didactics and journal club meetings, and a monthly research forum where graduate students, residents and faculty present their current work.
For more information about conducting research during your residency, contact our training director:
Associate Professor of Clinical Psychiatry & Program Director of Residency Training in Psychiatry
University at Buffalo - Psychiatry Erie County Medical Center 462 Grider St. Rm 1184 Buffalo, NY 14215
Phone: (716) 898-4221