UBMD Internal Medicine & Pediatrics 77 Goodell Street Suite 310K Buffalo, NY 14203
Phone: (716) 816-2888; Fax: (716) 849-5620
Email: aronica@buffalo.edu
UBMD Primary Care of Amherst 850 Hopkins Road Williamsville, NY 14221
Phone: (716) 688-9641; Fax: (716) 932-7465
Email: bergerrc@buffalo.edu
Erie County Department of Health 95 Franklin Street Room 910 Buffalo, NY 14202
Phone: (716) 858-6976
Email: grb4@buffalo.edu
UBMD Emergency Medicine 77 Goodell Street Suite 340 Buffalo, NY 14203
Phone: 7166459700
Email: cdefazio@buffalo.edu
Philip Glick, MD, MBA, FACS, FAAP, FRCS
Professor of Surgery and Management, Liason for Health Sciences Schools and School of Management for MBA Programs
Department of Surgery Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 955 Main Street Suite 6146 Buffalo, NY 14203
Phone: (716) 829-3714; Fax: (716) 829-2378
Email: glicklab@buffalo.edu
UBMD Pediatrics Division of Neonatology 1001 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203
Phone: (716) 323-0260; Fax: (716) 323-0294
Email: deepalih@buffalo.edu
Lisa Jane Jacobsen, MD, MPH, MSHPEd
Clinical Associate Professor, Associate Dean of Medical Curriculum
Office of Medical Curriculum - 7th floor - Rm 7162 Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 955 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203
Phone: (716) 323-0615; Fax: (716) 323-0594
Email: ljjacobs@buffalo.edu
Associate Professor and Vice Chair for Education; Associate Dean for Medical Curriculum
Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences 955 Main Street, Room 7165 Buffalo, NY 14203-1121
Phone: (716) 829-3467
Email: camlesse@buffalo.edu
UBMD Pediatrics Division of Endocrinology/Diabetes 1001 Main Street Buffalo, NY 14203
Phone: (716) 323-0170; Fax: (716) 323-0297
Email: ldm@buffalo.edu
Director, Medical Education & Educational Research Institute (MEERI); Associate Dean for Medical Education; Assistant Professor, Department of Medicine
955 Main Street Room 6153 Buffalo, NY 14203
Phone: 716-829-5785; Fax: 716-829-2437
Email: meka2@buffalo.edu
955 Main Street Room 1201 Buffalo, NY 14203-1121
Phone: 716-829-2802; Fax: 716-829-2798
Email: dmilling@buffalo.edu
Melissa Rayhill, MD, FAHS, FAAN
Clinical Associate Professor, Adult Neurology Residency Program Director
UBMD Neurology 1010 Main Street, 2nd Floor Buffalo, NY 14202
Phone: (716) 932-6080 Ext. 201; Fax: (716) 829-3010
Email: mrayhill@buffalo.edu
University at Buffalo Office of Graduate Medical Education 955 Main Street, Suite 7230 Buffalo, NY 14203
Phone: (716) 829-2012; Fax: (716) 829-3999
Email: dgpratt@buffalo.edu