Regulated Medical Waste

Regulated medical waste (RMW) is governed by rules promulgated by NYS Department of Health and enforced by the Department of Environmental Conservation.

  • All materials that have been in contact with agents potentially infectious to humans must be treated as Regulated Medical Waste. This includes materials that have been in contact with human blood, or blood products, infectious microorganisms, human tissues or cells, including primary cell cultures and cell lines unless known to be free of any adventitious agents.
  • All sharps (e.g. needles, razor blades, Pasteur pipettes, cover slips) that originate from a biomedical laboratory must be treated as RMW and disposed of in a leak proof, puncture resistant container.


Regulated medical waste stickers are available, at $18 each. Charges for stickers are billed quarterly, in January, April, July and October

Drop Off

Regulated medical waste can be dropped off in room 1122A, in the loading dock area, weekdays during regular business hours. Keys for the room can be picked up at room 1121A (Shipping Office).

Regulated medical waste is picked up on Thursday mornings. Please check with the shipping dock for adjustments during holidays.


Shipping & Receiving Supervisor

Darrin Bitterman

Shipping & Receiving Supervisor

955 Main Street, Room 1121, Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 829-3660; Fax: (716) 829-2462



7:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Closed 11–11:30 a.m.

See mailroom (1125) for access if the receiving office (1121) is closed.