Shipping & Receiving


Deliveries via services other that FedEx, UPS or Staples should be communicated to Darrin Bitterman so the receiving office can be prepared.


Searching for your package(s)?  You can use the following tools, using the tracking number provided with most shipments. Most sites update close to real-time, and may assist you in finding out if your package is delayed, or has arrived. Some sites even allow you to receive email confirmation. 

If you receive confirmation that your package has arrived (from Amazon, or another vendor), please verify if it has arrived by FedEx or UPS. 

The mailroom handles packages that arrive through the United States Postal Service.

Loading Docks

  • Dock 1 accepts ~53’ trailers
  • Dock 2 accepts ~30’ trailers


7:30 a.m.–3:30 p.m.

Closed 11–11:30 a.m.

See mailroom (1125) for access if the receiving office (1121) is closed.


Shipping & Receiving Supervisor

Darrin Bitterman

Shipping & Receiving Supervisor

955 Main Street, Room 1121, Buffalo, NY 14203

Phone: (716) 829-3660; Fax: (716) 829-2462
