Harold Brody, MD ’61, PhD
Eugene R. Mindell, MD
This award recognizes a junior research scientist for the best basic science research that seeks to solve a clinical problem.
The Eugene R. Mindell, MD, and Harold Brody, MD ’61, PhD, Clinical Translational Research Award promotes and supports the discovery of new knowledge that is critical for the continued advancement of the medical profession and improvement of health care.
To advance human health, scientific discoveries must be translated into practical applications. Such discoveries typically begin at “the bench” with basic research — in which scientists study disease at a molecular or cellular level — and then progress to the clinical level, or the patient's “bedside.”
When such information is applied to the problems of health maintenance and cures for diseases, it could well provide new tools for developing innovative and effective therapies.
Up to $1,000
Date to submit all materials: TBD
Awardee will be notified by phone on or before: TBD
You must be either a:
You may hold an MD, PhD or both, with your most recent degree awarded no more than 10 years ago.
The Mindell/Brody Award is intended to develop the potential of outstanding new scientists and promote promising ideas for novel therapeutic interventions through translational research at the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Therefore, individuals already established in the field are not eligible for this award.
You will need to prepare a single PDF including these materials:
For all supporting documentation, use Times New Roman font in 12-point type with single line spacing and one-inch margins.
A committee of medical school research faculty evaluates applications on your proposal’s merit and translational aspects, grammar and style.
If you have questions about the Mindell/Brody Clinical Translational Research Award, please contact:
1110 Kimball Tower, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14214-8028
Phone: 716-829-2586; Fax: 716-829-6067
Email: jlobaugh@buffalo.edu