Diversity Advocates Program

Through this program, faculty members serve as champions for diversity and inclusion within their respective departments, and as their department liaison to the Office of Inclusion and Cultural Enhancement.

Advocates are faculty members in each of the medical school’s 27 departments, nominated by their chair and appointed by the medical school dean. In this role, they provide a valuable service by raising awareness, and bringing forward best practices to attract, mentor, train and develop the next generation of clinical and physician-scientists. 

Advocates have numerous responsibilities, including:

  • supporting departmental search committees to help generate a diverse candidate pool
  • serving as a liaison to our office
  • providing information to search chairs/committees about best practices to follow
  • assessing recruitment procedures and results
  • promoting diversity and inclusion programs, lectures and awards

Following an introductory orientation, advocates will be invited to join in discussions and informational sessions as we work to develop initiatives and programs that will enhance excellence in clinical, academic and translational research, and to best meet the needs of each department, the school and the diverse communities we serve.

Contact Us

For more information or to become involved with the advocates, please contact smbs-inclusion@buffalo.edu