Here we present a wide array of information and training materials shared by universities and professional societies to support best practices in faculty and staff recruitment and professional development for the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.
The Office of Inclusion and Cultural Enhancement offers assistance and resources for departments to develop outreach plans leading to the recruitment of faculty and staff underrepresented in medicine. Below we describe best practices and tactics to enrich faculty and staff applicant pools with excellent candidates from diverse backgrounds.
The Office of Inclusion recommends in addition to all marketing efforts, to expand advertising to specialized journals, websites, national societies, program officers at national funding agencies and foundations, and department Chairs’ national groups in your area of interest.
Note: UB, serving as lead HERC Institution in Upstate NY automatically advertises positions with the Higher Education Recruitment Consortium (HERC), and various other resources to assist with diverse recruiting efforts. This includes the Chronicle of Higher Education, Insight into Diversity, Higher Ed Jobs, and Clinical Science and Medicine website.
The Office of Inclusion disseminates the Job Opportunities at the Jacobs School page, directly linked to UB Job postings using our comprehensive list serve which targets scientific societies, universities, training grant directors, national funding agencies and foundations training and/or supporting eligible individuals for available positions.
Phase 1: Attract Excellent Faculty |
Phase 2 Search Committee: Strategies to Identify and Select Excellent Faculty |
Phase 3: Engage and Persuade Candidates to Join our Excellent Faculty |
Phase 4: Develop an Excellent Cadre of Successful Faculty |
Search Committee: Strategies to Identify and Hire Excellent Staff |
Our office is always available to provide resources and advice on your faculty searches, and other important topics!