
University Grading Policies

Departmental/Course Grading Policy

The grading policy for each program course is determined by the individual course instructor and should be included in the outline/syllabus distributed at the beginning of each program course. Plus/minus grades will be given at the discretion of the instructor.

Incomplete Grades

A grade of incomplete ("I") may be given to students who have not completed all of the assigned work in a course if they have a passing average and there exists a well defined means by which the course requirements can be completed. Assignment of an incomplete grade is at the discretion of the instructor.  A grade of incomplete may not be provided for non-attendance.  The grade of "I" must be removed within a period of twelve months.  Students may not reregister for a course in which they have a grade of Incomplete.

At the time an "I" is given, the instructor must specify the default grade that the students will receive if no grade change is filed by the instructor before the expiration of the grace period. The default grade is the grade that the students will receive as a course grade if the additional work is not completed.  Individual instructors may set shorter time limits for removing an incomplete than the twelve month time limit specified above. Students may not graduate with an incomplete on their transcript.

  1. This policy is not retroactive and does not apply to transfer credit.
  2. Applicable dates regarding the twelve month provision:
    • Courses taken in Fall semester will default in 12 months on December 31
    • Courses taken in Spring semester will default in 12 months on May 31
    • Courses taken in Summer will default in 12 months on August 31
  3. The "I" grade must be changed to a grade before the degree conferral date if the student plans to graduate in that semester.
  4. A default grade can be "B," "C," "D," or "F."
  5. Students must not register again for courses in which they have an "I."