We share our research studies with physicians and scientists worldwide through publications in leading academic journals.
Kimberly Bernosky, Ph.D.
Samantha Bordonaro, MD, FACEP
Jason Borton, MD
Brian Clemency, DO, MBA, FACEP, FAEMS
- Lynch JJ, Payne ER, Varughese R, Kirk HM, Kruger DJ, Clemency B. (2024) Comparison of 30-day retention in treatment among patients referred to opioid use disorder treatment from emergency department and telemedicine settings. Journal of substance use and addiction treatment (Oct), 165: 209446.
- Brimmer M, Wahler A, Chambers M, Lynch J, Clemency B, Varughese R, Moore C, Vest B. (2024) Buprenorphine prescription and treatment initiation through preemptive outreach and telehealth consultation with emergency medicine providers. Journal of addictive diseases (Oct)1-7.
- O'Brien MC, Kelleran KJ, Burnett SJ, Clemency BM. (2024) Letter to the Editor. Response to letter: Fixed dose ketamine for prehospital management of hyperactive delirium with severe agitation. The American journal of emergency medicine (Sep), 83: 134-135.
Danielle De Freitas
Jesse Fodero, MD
Lisa Gentner
Johanna Innes, MD
- Farcas AM, Crowe RP, Kennel J, Little N, Haamid A, Camacho MA, Pleasant T, Owusu-Ansah S, Joiner AP, Tripp R, Kimbrell J, Grover JM, Ashford S, Burton B, Uribe J, Innes JC, Page DI, Taigman M, Dorsett M. (2024) Achieving Equity in EMS Care and Patient Outcomes Through Quality Management Systems: A Position Statement. Prehospital emergency care (Jan), 28(6): 871-881.
- Burnett SJ, Stemerman R, Innes JC, Kaisler MC, Crowe RP, Clemency BM. (2023) Social Determinants of Health in EMS Records: A Mixed-methods Analysis Using Natural Language Processing and Qualitative Content Analysis. The western journal of emergency medicine (Sep), 24(5): 878-887. doi:10.5811/westjem.59070
- Burnett SJ, Innes JC, Varughese R, Frazer E, Clemency BM. (2023) A Qualitative Analysis of the Experiences of EMS Clinicians in Recognizing and Treating Witnessed Cardiac Arrests. Prehospital emergency care (Jan), 27(6): 758-766.
Eric Kaczor, M.D.
- Kaczor, E.E., Greene, K., Babu, K.M., Berthold, E.C., Sharma, S, Carreiro, S.P. (2023) Commercial Delta-8 THC Products: an Analysis of Content and Labeling. Journal of Medical Toxicology (Nov) doi:10.1007/s13181-023-00974-y
- Kaczor EE, Greene K, Zacharia J, Tormoehlen L, Neavyn M, Carreiro S. (2022) The Potential Proconvulsant Effects of Cannabis: a Scoping Review. Journal of medical toxicology : official journal of the American College of Medical Toxicology (Jul), 18(3): 223-234. doi:10.1007/s13181-022-00886-3
Maria Kaisler, M.D.
- Burnett SJ, Stemerman R, Innes JC, Kaisler MC, Crowe RP, Clemency BM. (2023) Social Determinants of Health in EMS Records: A Mixed-methods Analysis Using Natural Language Processing and Qualitative Content Analysis. The western journal of emergency medicine (Sep), 24(5): 878-887. doi:10.5811/westjem.59070
- Kaisler M, Pichette C, Popieluszko P, Tift F, Tanaka K. (2023) The Value of Physicians as Part of a Helicopter Emergency Medical Services Crew: A Review. Air medical journal (Jan), 42(6): 477-482.
Kyle Kelleran, Ph.D.
- Stube CW, Ljungberg AS, Borton JA, Chadha K, Kelleran KJ, Lerner EB. (2024) Why Do Patients Opt for the Emergency Department over Other Care Choices? A Multi-Hospital Analysis. The western journal of emergency medicine (Nov), 25(6): 921-928. doi:10.5811/westjem.18647
- O'Brien MC, Kelleran KJ, Burnett SJ, Clemency BM. (2024) Letter to the Editor. Response to letter: Fixed dose ketamine for prehospital management of hyperactive delirium with severe agitation. The American journal of emergency medicine (Sep), 83(1): 134-135.
- Ray BM, Kelleran KJ, Fodero JG, Harvell-Bowman LA. (2024) Examining the Relationship Between Chronic Pain and Mortality in U.S. Adults. The journal of pain (Jun)104620.
Brian Ludwig, DO, FACEP
Joshua Lynch, DO, EMT-P, FAAEM, FACEP
Daniel Mirsch, DO
- Daniel Mirsch, Tomislav Jelic, Michael I Prats, Andrea Dreyfuss, Evan Yates, Tobias Kummer, Bob Stenberg, Katherine Vlasica, Arun Nagdev. (2024) Just the facts: brachial plexus blocks for upper extremity injuries in the emergency department. Canadian Journal of Emergency Medicine (Apr), 26(4): 228-231. doi:10.1007/s43678-023-00628-6
- Wahome R, Mirsch D, Kariuki L, Monaco B, Bagonza K, Harborne D. (2022) Ultrasound virtual skills based workshop: An African experience in the COVID era. African journal of emergency medicine : Revue africaine de la medecine d'urgence (Mar), 12(1): 30-33. doi:10.1016/j.afjem.2021.10.004
Brian Monaco, MD, AEMUS, FACEP, RDMS
- O'Brien MC, Kelleran KJ, Burnett SJ, Clemency BM. (2024) Letter to the Editor. Response to letter: Fixed dose ketamine for prehospital management of hyperactive delirium with severe agitation. The American journal of emergency medicine (Jun).
- O'Brien MC, Kelleran KJ, Burnett SJ, Hausrath KA, Kneer MS, Nan N, Ma CX, McCartin RW, Clemency BM. (2024) Fixed dose ketamine for prehospital management of hyperactive delirium with severe agitation. The American journal of emergency medicine (Apr), 81: 10-15.
Sucharita Paul, MD, MPH
Andrew Poreda, M.D. FACEP, FAAEM
Jennifer Pugh, MD
Heidi Suffoletto, MD, FACEP
Jeffrey Thompson, MD
Renoj Varughese, MD
- Lynch JJ, Payne ER, Varughese R, Kirk HM, Kruger DJ, Clemency B. (2024) Comparison of 30-day retention in treatment among patients referred to opioid use disorder treatment from emergency department and telemedicine settings. Journal of substance use and addiction treatment (Oct), 165: 209446.
- Brimmer M, Wahler A, Chambers M, Lynch J, Clemency B, Varughese R, Moore C, Vest B. (2024) Buprenorphine prescription and treatment initiation through preemptive outreach and telehealth consultation with emergency medicine providers. Journal of addictive diseases (Oct)1-7.
- Clemency BM, Clay C, Varughese R, Kennedy C, Yates W, Lat A, Ling Ching A, Clark D, Lewin D, Chen X, Castro M. (2024) Impact of nebulization versus metered-dose inhaler utilization on viral particle dispersion in patients with COVID-19. Journal of infection prevention (Jul)17571774241266420. doi:10.1177/17571774241266420