Learn how to serve as a consultant to other specialties.
In this elective rotation, you will develop essential skills interacting with other consultants, providing effective and timely consultation, skills in documentation of the consultative interaction and expertise in areas of internal medicine frequently requested by consulting physicians.
These skills will also be developed throughout the training period in preoperative clinic, inpatient urgent consultation, consult rotation and ambulatory clinics.
The IM attending on service will review the expectations, goals, and objectives with you at the outset of the rotation, emphasizing their relationship to the six core competencies. The supervising attending will teach regarding aspects of consultation medicine, with an emphasis on evidence-based guidelines pertaining to consultation.
You should respond to all requests for a medical consult and, when appropriate, will follow patients until the medical plan is complete. All current patients will be presented during consult rounds each afternoon. Inpatient and outpatient consultations will be documented with a brief written note and a complete and timely dictated note. Order writing as appropriate in the role of consultant is one of the educational objectives.
4 weeks