Hospital-Inpatient Medicine

Rotate on inpatient services in all our affiliated hospital systems, gaining expertise in managing a variety of patient bases and working with multiple professional environments and electronic health records systems.


Your inpatient rotations will give you responsibility for supervising the admission processes for new patients, maintaining progress notes and patient records, communicating patient care issues among members of your work team (including faculty attendings), presenting cases and mortality reviews, teaching medical students and, in your later years, junior residents.

Strengthen Your Medical Knowledge

Trainees at all levels will be taught specific skills and procedures and will learn to:


  • recall the basic differential diagnosis for each item in their problem list with particular attention to those diagnoses that are immediately life threatening or which require immediate intervention
  • recall the approach to therapy for common diagnoses, including the information that is necessary to guide clinical decision making
  • deliver the initial care in medical emergencies such as hypotension, acute respiratory distress, hyperkalemia, and unresponsiveness
  • recall the typical presentations of diseases common to internal medicine


  • recall an expanded differential diagnosis including common and uncommon causes of the patient’s problems
  • recall the specific indications and contraindications for the treatment of common diagnoses
  • recall unusual presentations of diseases common to internal medicine


  • recall a comprehensive differential diagnosis, including rare causes of the patient’s problems
  • recall the various options for treatment of common diagnoses and understand the specific indications and contraindications for each of those options
  • recognize presentations of common diseases usually cared for by non-medicine services and recall usual first line treatments for those diseases

Conditions Seen

  • acute renal failure
  • acute respiratory doses
  • asthma
  • chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • congestive heart failure
  • chest pain
  • venous thromboembolism
  • urinary tract infection
  • sepsis
  • stroke/cerebrovascular accident
  • meningitis
  • health care-associated pneumonia
  • community-acquired pneumonia
  • hospital-acquired infections
  • pain management
  • acid base disease
  • toxicology
  • delerium, altered mental status and dementia
  • overdoses
  • rehab vs sub acute rehab
  • ethyl alcohol and withdrawal
  • substance abuse
  • endocarditis and its complications
  • seizure disorder
  • GI bleed
  • diabetes mellitus
  • skin infections
  • acute coronary syndrome/STEMI/NTEMI
  • electrolytes disturbances

Years Taken and Length of Rotation

  • PGY-1 (intern): three modules (4 weeks each)
  • PGY-2: two modules (4 weeks each)
  • PGY-3: one module (4 weeks)
  • PGY-4: one module (4 weeks)

Clinical Sites