Internal Medicine

  • Board Review Conference Series
    This 18-month lecture series provides an up-to-date understanding of the broad field of internal medicine.
  • City-Wide Grand Rounds
    This conference will utilize the strengths of the faculty and also serve as the major teaching venue for invited speakers and guests. 
  • Hospital-Based Conferences
    Content is directed by the chief resident at each facility with faculty and residents presenting topics of interest and utilizing both didactic and interactive tools. 
  • Journal Club
    The journal club creates a forum for interns and residents to undertake critical appraisal of the medical literature, building skills for lifelong learning and ongoing professional development.
  • Morbidity and Mortality Rounds
    A presentation relating to adverse patient outcomes. The format usually includes in-depth discussion of one such case and examines the presentation and subsequent events.
  • Morning Report
    Case-based discussions of interesting and educational patients are conducted at the individual institutions. 
  • Sign-Out Rounds
    Each day, teams on inpatient floor rotations discuss the management and sign-out aspects of their inpatients. 
  • Subspecialty Conferences
    Each subspecialty unit organizes its own regular conferences.