During our addiction medicine rotation, you will train in various behavioral health centers with faculty members from UB’s Addiction Medicine Fellowship, such as Sarah Abdelsayed, MD.
Behavioral health and addiction medicine services provide innovative and evidence-based treatments for patients, along with personal and caring approaches that can help patients feel respected, valued, confident and hopeful.
If you undertake our addiction medicine elective, you may have opportunities to learn about outpatient substance use treatment at BestSelf Behavioral Health and Endeavor Health Services, you may rotate at a residential program for adolescents at the Kids Escaping Drugs Renaissance Campus, and you can gain experience treating mothers for substance use disorders at the Lighthouse Free Medical Clinic.
At BestSelf Behavioral Health, you can train in an environment that offers a wide range of programs and services to meet the community’s needs, including mobile mental health and substance use disorder services.
Using both in-house and referral-based services, DART builds individualized patient-centered plans that maximize client”s chances at recovery. Training at DART can give you experience blending medical and behavioral therapies to help clients maintain sobriety.
This training site will help you acquire experience in a private, not-for-profit organization dedicated to the development of accessible and effective services. Endeavor Health Services is driven toward improving the emotional wellness and behavioral health of populations of Western New York, Rochester and the surrounding communities.
This nonprofit, drop-in clinic provides free, routine health care and preventive services to uninsured patients in Buffalo. It is managed and funded through the work of Jacobs School medical students at the Community Health Center of Buffalo. The clinic also involves numerous volunteers, including Jacobs School medical students, undergraduates and faculty-physicians.
At the Renaissance Campus, you’ll learn from a team of compassionate and experienced staff that guides adolescents and their families through the process of substance abuse recovery in a safe and inclusive environment.