35th Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis

Crowd gathered in the atrium looking at posters.

Participants discuss research topics during one of the poster sessions at the 33rd Annual Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis held on May 17, 2023.

Our conference showcases plenary speakers in the fields of mycology, bacteriology, parasitology and virology. We recognize our outstanding graduate student researchers during this event.

Oral presentations by students and postdocs, in addition to the poster sessions, are open to all attendees.

Students and postdocs will have an opportunity to meet with our invited speakers during lunch.

Continental breakfast will be served and poster set up will begin at 8 a.m. on Wednesday, May 28, 2025.

Our conference will be hosted at the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences building.

Postdoc and Student Talks

Two postdocs and four students will have the opportunity to present 12-minute talks during this conference. Speakers will be selected by the scientific review committee based on submitted abstracts.

Keynote Speakers

University of Utah

The University of Chicago

National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases

The Ohio State University

Registration Cost and Due Date

General registration is $90. Undergraduate and graduate student registration is $45.

Registrations, payments, and poster abstracts are due by April 30, 2025.

Lodging Information

Wyndham Garden Buffalo Downtown
125 High Street
Buffalo, NY 14203

There is a hotel shuttle from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m.; the symposium location is 0.3 miles from the hotel. 

Abstract Submission Instructions

  • Abstracts should be emailed to kmhardaw@buffalo.edu
  • Abstracts must have 1-inch margins
  • Must be sent as a PDF file
  • Use 12 pt font
  • Title must be in bold
  • List all authors and their institutional affiliations (last name, first name, middle initial)
  • Underline the name of the presenting author(s)
  • Abstract should not exceed 1 page
  • Abstract will be printed in black and white, please do not include color graphs
  • Your abstract will be published as it is submitted. Please ensure you carefully read and proofread your document prior to submission, paying specific attention to proper formatting of all special characters and symbols.

Abstract Submission Deadline

Poster abstracts, including those who would like to be considered for an oral presentation, are due April 30, 2025.

Poster Guidelines

Posters should be 3 feet high by 4 feet wide.

Eugene Gorzynski Travel Award

The Gorzynski Travel Award supports a PhD or MD/PhD student who is traveling to a national or international meeting to present a research paper or poster.

Erwin Neter Award

The Western New York American Society for Microbiology presents the Erwin Neter Award.


Students must be registered for the Buffalo Conference on Microbial Pathogenesis, must have submitted an abstract by the deadline and must be a paid member of the Western New York Chapter of the American Society for Microbiology (ASM), which sponsors this award.

Selection of Finalists

The scientific review committee will select four finalists based on evaluation of the submitted abstracts.


The four finalists will give 12-minute talks at the conference. The scientific review committee will select the winner. The WNY ASM will give the winner a cash prize and the opportunity to present their work at the WNY ASM annual meeting.

Date and Location

May 28, 2025

8 a.m. to 5 p.m., followed by reception

Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Education
955 Main St., Buffalo, NY 14203


Program will be emailed to registrants in May.


Registration and abstract submission due by April 30, 2025.

Please note that this is a secure site.