The Office of Graduate Medical Education verifies the dates of training, as well as malpractice coverage for the residents and fellows of our accredited residency and fellowship programs. It may take up to two weeks for your request to be reviewed and responded to. All requests are completed on a first come, first serve basis. We are unable to expedite requests.
Please submit your request through our verification portal with a signed release from liability form. We will not complete any request without a signed release form.
If you are requesting for Malpractice Insurance Verification, please specify that in the "Notes" of your request.
Our office does not accept any other forms of submission (ex. faxes, mailed forms, etc.)
* Please visit the FAQs below for information on how to submit different types of requests.
* For assistance with any of these requests, please contact the program directly.
We can provide accurate records dated back to 1998. In some cases, we can provide verification of records prior to 1998. In the event we are not able to verify training, your request will be forwarded to the training program.
Contact the Federation of State Medical Boards for information regarding these closed programs:
Contact GME'S Human Resources Department at for mortgage verification requests.
Please attach a signed authorization from your bank or mortgage company to your email request. Requests without signed authorization cannot be processed. No information can be provided verbally or in writing until the signed authorization is received by the HR Department.
All requests will receive verification of training by default. If you are requesting for malpractice coverage as well, please specify that in the "Notes" portion of the form. As with all requests, these will not be processed without a signed release from liability form.
Residents and fellows are covered by the hospital's malpractice insurance during training. Therefore, they are more than likely covered by more than one policy.
Our office can provide a letter that confirms the coverage and indicates if any claims have been filed against the individual of inquiry.
Specific information such as policy number and company name can be obtained through each hospital's risk management department. The same goes for certificates of insurance. They will require a signed release from liability form.
The VA does not maintain professional liability insurance coverage and cannot provide any policy information. Medical malpractice claims that occur at the VA are filed directly against and defended by the federal government pursuant to the Federal Tort Claims Act.
Yes, you are welcome to use your own institution's release from liability form rather than our office's form. We reserve the right to deny other liability forms if they do not cover all necessary points.
If you have questions that are not answered above or require further assistance, please email