Our faculty secure major research grants from various National Institutes of Health as well as private sources.
Sarah Bowman, PhD
- National HTX Center: Enabling Access to State-of-the-Art Crystallization Capabilities. Sarah Bowman (Principal Investigator). National Institutes of Health. $4,910,000. 7/1/2021-6/1/2026.
- New techniques for detecting and handling nanocrystals for cutting edge structural biology methods. Sarah Bowman (Principal Investigator). NIH. $1,570,000. 9/1/2022-8/1/2026.
Michael Buck, PhD
- Genomic and epigenomic investigations of the transcriptional regulatory network of skin keratinocytes in defined genetic models. Michael Buck (Co-Investigator). NIH. $1,754,500. 3/1/2018-1/1/2024.
- Protective effects of dietary pulse flours on the transgenerational influence of maternal obesity. Michael Buck (Co-Investigator). United States Department of Agriculture. $480,255. 9/1/2020-2/1/2024.
- Therapeutic targeting of master regulators in non-canonical AR driven advanced lethal prostate cancers. Michael Buck (Co-Investigator). NCI. $3,823,553. 8/1/2023-7/1/2028.
Rebekah Charney, PhD
- Examining neurological disability in Mowat-Wilson syndrome using brain organoids. Rebekah Charney (Principal Investigator). The Mowat-Wilson Syndrome Foundation. 7/1/2022-6/1/2025.
- The role of the transcriptional repressor ZEB2 in human neural crest cell formation and craniofacial pathology. Rebekah Charney (Principal Investigator). NIH-NIDCR R00. 9/1/2024-8/1/2027.
Dahong Chen, PhD
- Chromatin architectural factor-mediated epigenetic regulation of neuronal remodeling during development. Dahong Chen (Principal Investigator). NIH. 1/1/2024-1/1/2027.
D. Fernando Estrada, PhD
- Structural regulation in mitochondrial vitamin-D and vitamin-A metabolizing cytochromes P450. D. Fernando Estrada (Principal Investigator). National Institute of General Medical Sciences. $1,987,200. 9/1/2019-8/1/2024.
- Impact of Pseudomonas aeruginosa cytochrome P450 enzymes and secondary metabolites on drug metabolism and disposition in the cystic fibrosis patient. D. Fernando Estrada (Co-Principal Investigator). NIAID. $632,183. 1/1/2024-1/1/2028.
- Noncompetitive inhibition of CYP121 dimers of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. D. Fernando Estrada (Principal Investigator). NIAID. $442,750. 7/1/2024-7/1/2026.
Lee Ann Garrett-Sinha, PhD
- Exploring Roles for Transcription Factor Ets1 in Sjogren's Syndrome. Lee Ann Garrett-Sinha (Principal Investigator). NIH, NIDCR. $173,115. 4/1/2023-3/1/2024.
Marc Halfon, PhD
- Mechanisms of Gene Regulatory Network Evolution. Marc Halfon (Principal Investigator). NSF. $1,106,456. 9/1/2019-8/1/2024.
- Regulatory Element Discovery in Sequenced Insect Species. Marc Halfon (Principal Investigator). USDA. $445,911. 6/1/2019-5/1/2023.
- REDfly: The regulatory element database for Drosophila and other insects. Marc Halfon (Principal Investigator). NIH/NIGMS. $1,415,154. 9/1/2021-8/1/2025.
- Measuring functional similarity between transcriptional enhancers using deep learning. Marc Halfon (Co-Investigator). NIH/NHGRI. $118,818. 9/1/2021-8/1/2024.
Daniel Kosman, PhD
- Ferroportin and APP: Regulation of Iron Trafficking at the Blood-Brain Barrier. Daniel Kosman (Principal Investigator). NIDDS. $1,955,930. 8/1/2017-5/1/2024.
- Molecular mechanisms of small molecule iron chelating antioxidants. Daniel Kosman (Principal Investigator). Alterity Therapeutics Annual MRSA 2020-2023 Dollar amount below for 2023. $253,573. 1/1/2020-7/1/2025.
Techung Lee, PhD
- Poly(I:C) Drug Repurposing and SFRP-2 Gene Therapy in Tooth Regeneration. Techung Lee (Co-Principal Investigator). Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. $470,400. 2/1/2024-1/1/2028.
Norma Nowak, PhD
- The Metagenomics Education Partnership. Norma Nowak (Co-Investigator). NIH/NIGMS. $1,288,542. 6/1/2020-4/1/2025.
- Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Western New York. Norma Nowak (Co-Investigator). NYSDOH. $2,000,000. 10/1/2021-6/1/2025.
- Personalizing Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma (HNSCC). Norma Nowak (Principal Investigator). Community Foundation of Greater Buffalo. $22,380. 12/1/2023-12/1/2024.
- CRSC: ThermoFisher-GBC project. Norma Nowak (Principal Investigator). ThermoFisher Scientific. 1/1/2018-12/1/2026.
- CRSC: ThermoFisher GBC project. Norma Nowak (Principal Investigator). ThermoFisher Scientific. $40,455. 1/1/2018-12/1/2026.
- Human miRNA Sequencing. Norma Nowak (Principal Investigator). VA. $183,213. 9/1/2023-9/1/2028.
Yungki Park, PhD
- Elucidating the role of Nucks1 in Myrf expression and central nervous system myelination. Yungki Park (Principal Investigator). UB Neuroscience. $40,000. 10/1/2024-9/1/2025.
Mulchand Patel, PhD
- Protective effects of dietary pulse flours on the transgenerational influence of maternal obesity. Mulchand Patel (Co-Investigator). USDA-National Institute of Food and Agriculture. $480,255. 9/1/2020-9/1/2023.
- Alpha Lipoic acid as maternal supplement in obese pregnancies. Mulchand Patel (Co-Principal Investigator). NIH, National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health. $438,625. 2/1/2022-1/1/2024.
- Protective mechanisms of pulse crop consumption in the development of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in mothers and offspring across life stages. Mulchand Patel (Co-Principal Investigator). USDA, USDA Pulse Crop Health Initiative. $421,744. 8/1/2023-7/1/2026.
Gabriela Popescu, PhD
- Gating Mechanism of NMDA receptors. Gabriela Popescu (Principal Investigator). NIH/NINDS. $1,400,000. 4/1/2019-4/1/2025.
- Experience-Dependent Reorganization of Excitatory Synapse Connectivity. Gabriela Popescu (Co-Principal Investigator). NIH/NIMH/R01. $3,270,000. 4/1/2019-4/1/2025.
- Molecular Physiology of NMDA Receptors. Gabriela Popescu (Principal Investigator). NINDS. $4,200,000. 5/1/2023-4/1/2031.
Christine Schaner Tooley, PhD
- Expanding the Biological Roles of N-terminal methylation. Christine Schaner Tooley (Principal Investigator). NIGMS. $1,978,690. 1/1/2022-12/1/2026.
Satrajit Sinha, PhD
- Genomic and epigenomic investigations of the transcriptional regulatory network of skin keratinocytes in defined genetic models. Satrajit Sinha (Principal Investigator). NIAMS. 3/1/2018-12/1/2023.
- Genomic and functional investigations of the transcriptional regulatory network of salivary gland morphogenesis and stem cell fate choices in defined genetic models. Satrajit Sinha (Co-Principal Investigator). NIDCR. 3/1/2018-2/1/2024.
- High resolution genomic and epigenomic mapping of the human salivary gland. Satrajit Sinha (Principal Investigator). NIH. $440,922. 8/1/2023-7/1/2025.
- Genomic and functional investigations of the transcriptional regulatory network of tooth enamel development. Satrajit Sinha (Co-Investigator). NIH. $627,934. 7/1/2023-6/1/2028.
Jennifer Surtees, PhD
- Using Saccharomyces cerevisiae to discover and assess genetic factors that influence TNR dynamics. Jennifer Surtees (Principal Investigator). Pfizer Inc. $569,735. 6/1/2021-6/1/2023.
- Genomic surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in Western New York. Jennifer Surtees (Principal Investigator). New York State Department of Health `. $5,700,000. 9/1/2021-7/1/2026.
- Integrated Ecosystems for Pandemic Prevention. Jennifer Surtees (Principal Investigator). NSF. $1,000,000. 9/1/2022-2/1/2026.
- Role of Msh2-Msh3 in determining outcomes in pathways of DNA metabolism. Jennifer Surtees (Principal Investigator). National Science Foundation. $400,000. 9/1/2023-8/1/2027.
- Characterizing the role of Elevated dNTP pools in sensitizing the replisome. Jennifer Surtees (Principal Investigator). NIGMS. $2,448,745. 9/1/2024-6/1/2029.
Mark Sutton, PhD
- Coordination of High Fidelity Replication with Mutagenic Translesion Synthesis. Mark Sutton (Principal Investigator). NIH/GMS. $1,414,219. 2/1/2019-11/1/2024.
- Purification and Initial Biochemical Analysis of the P. aeruginosa ImuABC Error-Prone DNA Polymerase. Mark Sutton (Principal Investigator). NIH, NIAID. $155,335. 2/1/2020-1/1/2023.
- Novel Combination Therapies to Combat Hypermutable Carbapenem-Resistant P. aeruginosa. Mark Sutton (Co-Principal Investigator). NIH, NIAID. $3,850,992. 5/1/2022-4/1/2027.
Mary Taub, Ph.D.
- Regulation of the Kidney Cancer Epigenome by Oncometabolite L-2-Hydroxyglutarate. Mary Taub (Co-Principal Investigator). NCI. $372,110. 7/1/2016-7/1/2023.