Year One Orientation and Scheduling

You will begin your preventive medicine training with a thorough orientation to the program.

Our orientation includes:

  • A review of program policies and procedures
  • A tutorial about Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) requirements
  • A course on Requirements for Research on Human Subjects
  • Didactic sessions on preventive medicine topics
  • An introduction to population-based approaches to disease prevention through case studies

July and August will allow you time to participate in research projects prior to the start of classes in late August. You may also be scheduled into practicum experiences in a local health department during this time.

Preventive Medicine In-service Examination

During this same time period (July and August), you will complete the Preventive Medicine In-service Examination. The results will be used to develop your educational plan and to determine if there are specific areas where you require more study or experience.

Planning for Integrative Project or Thesis

During the spring semester of your first year (beginning in late January), you will want to begin planning and preparing for the more advanced academic requirements—the integrative project if you choose to earn an MPH degree or the thesis if you choose the MS degree. Titles of theses and integrative projects are available on department websites.