Surgical-Vascular Elective

In keeping with our field’s increased emphasis on interventional techniques, our program includes an elective that gives you experience with procedures related to vascular access. 

Our surgical-vascular elective helps provide you with a foundation in managing and maintaining vascular access for dialysis patients and working with catheters that give access to the circulatory system.

The knowledge you gain on interventional procedures will prepare you to handle a wider scope of your patients’ needs.

We’ll help you develop familiarity with surgical procedures for dialysis access, namely:

  • placement of PermCath
  • insertion and manipulation of peritoneal dialysis catheters

You'll have opportunities to observe and — with the expert guidance of our faculty members — perform these procedures. 

Additionally, you may have opportunities to learn about:

  • arteriovenous fistulas and graft surgery
  • vascular mapping
  • percutaneous balloon angioplasty
  • thrombectomy
  • tunneled hemodialysis catheter-related procedures

Interdisciplinary Collaborations

You will have opportunities to gain experience collaborating with:

  • radiologists
  • general surgeons
  • vascular surgeons 

Years Taken

Take one module in year 1 or year 2.

Patient Population

You'll see and perform vascular procedures on patients with conditions including:

  • acute kidney injury
  • end stage renal disease

Clinical Sites