Research Centers

Our program’s associated research centers include specialized facilities for basic, translational and clinical research.

  • Center for Computational Research

    A state-of-the-art supercomputing facility with high-end visualization laboratories. Provides consulting services including bioinformatics support, scientific and medical visualization, advanced database design and data mining, parallel computing and software engineering.

  • Center for Developmental Biology of the Lung

    Conducts translational research to prevent and treat disorders of pulmonary transition such as birth asphyxia, persistent pulmonary hypertension of the newborn (PPHN), transient tachypnea of the newborn (TTN) and respiratory distress syndrome (RDS).

  • Center for Research in Cardiovascular Medicine

    Director: John M. Canty, MD

    Conducts translational research in preclinical models of ischemic heart disease and pursues parallel patient-oriented investigation in humans with chronic coronary artery disease.

  • Clinical and Research Institute on Addictions

    Director: Kenneth E. Leonard, PhD

    Contributes to research in three primary areas: etiology, prevention and treatment; social, psychological and neurophysiological aspects of addiction; and health and medical aspects of addiction.

  • Ira G. Ross Eye Institute Research Center

    Director: Steven J. Fliesler, PhD

    Nationally innovative collaboration among the UB Department of Ophthalmology, the Elizabeth Pierce Olmsted, MD, Center for the Visually Impaired and University Ophthalmology Services.

  • UB Clinical and Translational Science Institute

    Director: Timothy F. Murphy, MD

    An integrated academic home for UB’s outstanding clinical research and translational science, and the hub of the Buffalo Translational Consortium. The CTSI provides innovative research tools, support, training, resources and coordination.

  • UB’s New York State Center of Excellence in Bioinformatics and Life Sciences

    Executive Director: Norma J. Nowak, PhD

    Home to more than 250 scientists and research staff with physical, biological and computational expertise who are engaged in interdisciplinary translational research collaborations.

  • Western New York Stem Cell Culture and Analysis Center

    Director: Richard M. Gronostajski, PhD

    This NYSTEM-funded Center is dedicated to promoting and supporting stem cell research within UB, Western New York and the world.

  • Witebsky Center for Microbial Pathogenesis and Immunology

    Director: Thomas Melendy, PhD

    Brings together researchers and their students/fellows interested in understanding the molecular mechanisms of infectious diseases and host defenses against them.