Your first year of residency focuses largely on hospital-based clinical skills and lays the foundation for your practice of family medicine.

Clinical Program

Rotation Length
Addiction Medicine (Urban) 2 weeks
Pediatric Emergency Room 4 weeks
Cardiac Care
2 weeks
Community Medicine 1 week
Emergency Medicine 4 weeks
Endocrinology 2 weeks
Family Medicine Inpatient Service (Suburban)
4 weeks
Family Medicine Inpatient Service (Rural) 12 weeks 
Geriatrics 4 weeks
Inpatient Pediatrics
4 weeks
2 weeks
Orientation   4 weeks
Sports Medicine 2 weeks
Surgical Sub Specialties (ENT and Ophthalmology)
2 weeks 

You’ll begin your residency with orientation in Buffalo. During this four-week module, you’ll familiarize yourself with different aspects of residency while receiving the life support certifications you need for practice.

After orientation, you’ll spend the next seven modules (four weeks each) of your intern year in Buffalo, developing your evaluation skills on rotations with peers from our department’s urban tracks. The majority of your clinical rotations take place in hospitals and last two to four weeks each.

For these seven modules, you’ll practice outpatient family medicine at UB Family Medicine of Amherst, a nationally recognized patient-centered medical home also renowned for excellence in diabetes care located in a thriving suburban community. 

To complete the final five modules of your intern year, you’ll relocate to rural Olean. Here, Universal Primary Care, a patient-centered medical home and federally qualified health center, will serve as your family medicine center for the remainder of residency.

Similarly, while in Buffalo you’ll care for your inpatients at Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital, a major urban hospital with a wide spectrum of clinical inpatient departments and specialized programs.

When you relocate to Olean, your family medicine inpatient service takes place at Olean General Hospital, a regional referral center with a diverse case mix, excellent ancillary services and a family practice-friendly culture.

Didactic Program

  • Conferences and Seminars
    Our conferences and seminars encompass the full spectrum of family medicine topics, so you can advance your skills, build a foundation for your practice and stay current on important trends.