During your last year of residency, you’ll refine your ambulatory care skills and become fully prepared for autonomous practice.

Clinical Program

Rotation Length
Ambulatory Surgery/Anesthesia 2 weeks
Community Medicine six 4-hour blocks
Dermatology 4 weeks
Electives 16 weeks
Family Medicine Inpatient Service 8 weeks
Neurology 2 weeks
Obstetrics 4 weeks
Orthopaedics 4 weeks
Pediatrics 4 weeks
Population Health/Research 2 week
Radiology 2 weeks
Surgical Subspecialties 2 weeks

Your PGY-3 sets the stage for your independent practice of medicine.

You’ll enhance your ambulatory care skills in clinical rotations that primarily address health concerns common to outpatients.

Many of these rotations — including pediatrics, dermatology, orthopaedics and surgical subspecialties — take place in community practices, where you’ll work one-on-one with regional specialists caring for a high volume of patients.

You’ll continue spending three half-days per week at Universal Primary Care, site of your family medicine center. We keep your days in your family medicine center consistent throughout residency, allowing you to strengthen your clinical rapport with patients who come to know you as their family physician and focus your energy on continuity of care.

You’ll also take up to 12 weeks of electives. You may choose from both our rural program’s elective schedule or those offered in Buffalo.

Didactic Program

  • Conferences and Seminars
    Our conferences and seminars encompass the full spectrum of family medicine topics, so you can advance your skills, build a foundation for your practice and stay current on important trends.