
You’ll receive ample experience managing pre- and postnatal care, labor and delivery during this rotation.

Supervised by family medicine practitioners who are certified in cesarean section delivery, you’ll take primary responsibility for managing the inpatient obstetrical service, including high-risk deliveries.

You’ll evaluate patients on labor and delivery, admit and tend to them during labor and parturition, conduct postpartum rounds and discharge. You’ll also provide comprehensive antepartum care for your patients.

You’ll learn how to assess risk in pregnancy, and you’ll understand the normal labor process, aberrations and when to involve consultants.

You’ll learn the risks, indications and contraindications for augmentation of labor. You’ll also learn how to counsel your patients on pain management during labor.

We emphasize the importance of the family perspective in women’s health care during this second- and third-year rotation. We’ll teach you how to recognize the social and psychological aspects of your patients’ symptoms, diagnoses and treatments.

Procedures Learned

You’ll learn how to:

  • administer local and pudendal anesthesia
  • perform a pelvic assessment and recognize malpresentations
  • perform circumcisions
  • confidently manage vertex deliveries
  • deliver placenta
  • repair vaginal, cervical and perineal trauma due to childbirth
  • identify postpartum and intrapartum urgencies and emergencies
  • assist during C-sections

Clinical Sites

Year Taken

PGY-2 and 3

Length of Rotation

4 weeks (PGY-2)
4 weeks (PGY-3)