In an unopposed clinical environment, you’ll care for patients with pediatric conditions commonly seen in office practice, as well as inpatients.
You’ll manage sick and well visits in addition to chronic medical conditions at a busy, hospital-based outpatient practice. During patient visits, you’ll guide families about common health concerns, such as feeding, accident prevention and immunization.
Your unopposed experience extends across the hospital as you care for pediatric patients in the newborn nursery, emergency room and inpatient unit.
In addition to your clinical duties, you’ll present weekly at faculty-organized conferences.
You’ll become proficient in the following techniques and procedures:
You’ll also become familiar with nasal packing for epistaxis and intraosseous infusion.
You’ll diagnose and treat pediatric patients with acute and chronic conditions including:
You’ll recognize the presenting symptoms and signs of neoplastic disease, learn how to diagnose and treat common poisonings and toxicities, and learn how to treat children who have been physically and sexually abused.
You may also diagnose, manage and refer children with common conditions related to the respiratory, cardiovascular, hematopoietic, renal, metabolic, endocrine, neuromuscular and central nervous systems.
4 weeks