Bylaws of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences

Policy Review History

Ratified by the Voting Faculty — 02/28/2019 (last updated 11/11/2022; see Appendix D)

On this page:

1. Preamble

The Faculty of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University at Buffalo, State University of New York, hereby sets forth its Bylaws, as the means by which it shall discharge its duties and responsibilities to the School, as specified by the Policies of the Board of Trustees.

2. Statement of Mission

To Educate…To Discover…To Heal…

This three-fold mission of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University at Buffalo works to advance the health and wellness of all people in Western New York, New York State, and the World. This will be accomplished through the education of our future leaders in medicine and biomedical sciences, as well as through innovative research and outstanding clinical care. Our mission goals are to:

  • Attract the most promising individuals and support their development
  • Enhance our intellectual and technological environment to foster exceptionally creative science and education
  • Develop and maintain excellent clinical programs to provide outstanding care
  • Cultivate excellence, collegiality, and diversity
  • Observe the highest standards of ethics, integrity, professionalism, and humanism
  • Apply advances in science, medicine, and education to the betterment of humanity

These bylaws are framed within and subordinate to the policies of the Board of Trustees of the State University of New York, and the University at Buffalo.

These bylaws are subordinate to the policies and procedures of all applicable accreditation bodies including, but not limited to, Liaison Committee on Medical Education, and Accreditation Council on Graduate Medical Education.

3. Faculty

3.1. The Faculty of the Jacobs School

The Faculty of the Jacobs School shall be comprised of all individuals holding academic rank in the Jacobs School. All academic appointments shall conform to the designated titles provided under the current policies of the University, and the current Appointment, Promotion and Tenure Policy of the Jacobs School.

3.2. Voting Faculty

The voting faculty of the Jacobs School shall be comprised of all faculty members with the academic rank of Assistant Professor or above.

Individuals holding Emeritus / Emerita rank shall be considered non-voting faculty.

An updated list of voting faculty will be determined by the Chair of each Department at the beginning of each academic year. The list will be submitted to the Dean or designee for approval. The list shall then be transmitted to the Secretary of the Faculty Council.

3.3. Meetings of the Voting Faculty

3.3.1. Annual Meeting

There shall be an annual meeting of the voting faculty of the Jacobs School held each Academic Year. Said meeting may include, among other matters, reports from the President of the University at Buffalo, the Vice President for Health Sciences, the Dean, and the President of the Faculty Council. The presiding officer shall be the President of the University or the Dean or designee.

3.3.2. Special Meetings

Special meetings of the Voting Faculty may be called by the President of the University, the Vice President for Health Sciences, the Dean, the President of the Faculty Council, or by petition of the at least ten percent (10%) of the Voting Faculty or at least ten percent (10%) of tenured and tenure track faculty.

For special meetings called by a petition of the Faculty, said petition shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Faculty Council. A lead petitioner must be identified for communication and organizational purposes.

For any special meetings of the Faculty, the agenda specifying the topics to be discussed at this meeting shall be included in the notice of the meeting. Discussion at this meeting shall be restricted to the specified topics.

A special meeting called by petition shall be held at a time and place mutually agreed upon by the Secretary and the lead petitioner.

The Secretary shall summarize the proceedings of the meeting. Said summary will be transmitted to the Faculty Council, the Dean or any other Administrative offices of the Jacobs School or the University or the State University of New York as appropriate.

4. Faculty Council

4.1. Function of the Faculty Council

The Faculty Council shall:

  1. Secure participation by the Faculty in accomplishing the aims of shared governance within the Jacobs School, in conformity with the mission of the School.
  2. Have oversight with respect to policies and procedures that govern the Jacobs School.
  3. Shall be the official organization of the Faculty through which consultation between the Dean and faculty shall be achieved.
  4. Be the Governing Body for the Jacobs School as defined by the ACGME Institutional Requirements as the single entity that maintains authority over and responsibility for the Sponsoring Institution (Jacobs School) and each of its ACGME-accredited programs.

4.2. Composition of the Faculty Council

The membership of the Faculty Council Shall be comprised of Departmental Representatives, Appointed Representatives, and Ex-Officio Members.

4.2.1. Departmental Representatives

Departmental Representatives are chosen from the Voting Faculty of each Department of Study. Appointment of Departmental Representatives

The number of Departmental Representative positions available to each Department of Study shall be determined on the basis of the voting faculty lists pursuant to Section 3.2 of these Bylaws. For this purpose, the voting faculty will be allotted to each Department on the basis of their primary academic appointment.

Each Department shall have at least two (2) representatives and one (1) alternate. This shall include all Departments consisting of between one (1) and twenty-five (25) members. If a Department has less than three (3) members, the second representative and or the alternate will be chosen by the Department Chair, in consultation with the departmental faculty.

For every subsequent twenty-five (25) voting members, each Department will gain one (1) additional representative and one (1) additional alternate.

Departments will have a maximum of eight (8) representatives and four (4) alternates.

For Clinical Departments, as defined in Appendix A of these Bylaws, at least one (1) Departmental Representative must be a Volunteer Faculty.

Departments shall be those defined in Appendix A of these Bylaws. Departmental divisions or other subsidiary units will not be treated as departments for the purpose of allocating representatives.

Each Department Chair, in consultation with their Departmental Faculty, shall determine the means by which Departmental Representatives and Alternates are chosen for their Department. Responsibilities of Departmental Representatives

It is the responsibility of Departmental Representatives to attend all Regular and Special meetings of the Faculty Council. Representatives who cannot attend a meeting shall inform the Faculty Council Secretary of their absence and arrange with his or her Departmental Chair for an Alternate Representative from their Department to attend in their stead.

4.2.2. Appointed Representatives

Appointed Representatives are comprised of Voting Faculty nominated by the Steering Committee of the Faculty Council, and subsequently appointed by the Faculty Council President. This appointment is then required to be ratified by vote of the Faculty Council, at the next regular meeting of the Faculty Council.

There shall be a limit of ten (10) Appointed Representatives. No more than three (3) Appointed Representatives may be drawn from the same Department.

4.2.3. Ex-Officio Members

Ex-Officio Members are comprised of the Dean, the Department Chairs, and Chairs of Standing or Select Faculty Council Committees.

The Dean and the Department Chairs shall retain voting privileges.

Chairs of Standing or Select Committees of the Faculty Council shall be non-voting members unless they retain voting privileges by virtue of simultaneous service as a Departmental Representative or an Appointed Representative pursuant to applicable sections of these Bylaws.

4.3. Membership Disputes

The Standing Committee on Elections and Bylaws shall decide all questions and disputes on membership that may arise, by majority vote of that committee. Any such questions or disputes must be submitted to the Committee Chair in writing.

The committee decision shall be transmitted to the Faculty Council Steering Committee. At their next scheduled meeting, the Faculty Council Steering Committee shall determine the action plan for implementation of the decision rendered by the Committee on Elections and Bylaws.

The timing and other details relevant to composition of the Faculty Council, where not specified in these Bylaws, shall be prescribed by the Standing Committee on Elections and Bylaws.

4.4. Terms of Office

4.4.1. Departmental Representatives

Departmental Representatives shall serve for a two (2) year term and shall be eligible to serve for up to three (3) consecutive two (2) year terms. If a Departmental Representative serves for three (3) consecutive terms, that individual may not serve as a Departmental Representative for a period of at least one (1) year following the end of his or her final term.

4.4.2. Appointed Representatives

Appointed Representatives shall serve for a one (1) year term. Appointed Representatives are eligible for re-appointment to serve up to three (3) consecutive one (1) year terms.  If an Appointed Representative serves for three (3) consecutive terms, that individual may not serve as an Appointed Representative for a period of at least one (1) year following the end of his or her final term. If an Appointed representative concurrently serves as a member of the Faculty Council Steering Committee, that appointment shall continue until they have completed their term on the Steering Committee.

4.4.3. Start and End of Term

Term of office for outgoing Faculty Council members shall end the day prior to the June meeting of the Faculty Council. Term of office for incoming Faculty Council members shall begin the day of the June meeting of the Faculty Council.

In the event that amendments to these Bylaws alter any relevant text in Section 4, individuals serving on the Faculty Council shall complete their term based on the rules set forth in the version of these Bylaws in force at the time of the start of their term.

4.5. Vacancies

4.5.1. Departmental Representatives

If a vacancy occurs in a seat held by a Departmental Representative, regardless of cause, the seat will be filled by a member of that Department chosen from the list of alternates. The individual from the alternate list will be chosen by the Department Chair. The alternate will immediately assume their position as Departmental Representative. That individual will serve for the balance of the current term.

Following the completion of the partial term, that individual remains eligible to serve up to three (3) consecutive terms as a Departmental Representative pursuant to applicable text in Section 4 of these Bylaws.

In the event that the Department in question has no further alternates remaining on their Departmental Representative list, the Department Chair will choose one (1) Departmental Representative. That individual will immediately assume their position as Departmental Representative. That individual will serve for the balance of the current term. The Department Chair will also choose one (1) Alternate.

If a Department Chair is required to choose a new Departmental Representative and Alternate as stipulated above, the individuals shall be chosen within thirty (30) days of the vacancy.

4.5.2. Appointed Representatives

If a vacancy occurs in a seat held by an Appointed Representative, for any cause, an individual will be nominated to fill that seat by the Faculty Council Steering Committee and subsequently appointed by the Faculty Council President. This appointment is then required to be ratified by vote of the Faculty Council, at the next regular meeting of the Faculty Council.

The new Appointed Representative will immediately assume their position on Faculty Council. That individual will serve for the balance of the current term.

The new Appointed Representative shall be chosen within thirty (30) days of the vacancy.

4.6. Removal from Office

A petition to remove a Faculty Council member, for any cause, must be submitted to the Faculty Council President. A lead petitioner must be identified for communication and organizational purposes. The petition will then be presented to the Faculty Council at the next regular meeting and be distributed to all members of the Faculty Council.

Following distribution of said petition, Faculty Council members have three (3) week time period to return their vote to the Chair of the Elections and Bylaws Committee. A Faculty Council member can be removed if there is an affirmative vote by a minimum of two-thirds (2/3) of the Faculty Council members who return their vote within the prescribed time period.

Filling of any resultant vacancy will be pursuant to the rules set forth in the applicable Section 4 of the Bylaws.

4.7. Officers of the Faculty Council

The officers of the Faculty Council shall be President, President-Elect, Secretary, Parliamentarian, and the Basic Science and Clinical Representatives to the Executive Committee.

The Dean, Associate Deans, Assistant Deans, or any other Ex-Officio Member shall not be eligible for election as an officer of the Faculty Council.

4.7.1. The President

The President is the presiding officer of the Faculty Council and Chair of the Faculty Council Steering Committee. The President is responsible for setting meeting agendas, distribution of meeting agendas, and presiding over Faculty Council and Steering Committee meetings. The President assumes the office immediately after serving their one year term as President-Elect.

In the absence of the President, the President-elect shall serve in said capacity, followed by the Secretary and then the Parliamentarian.

4.7.2. The President-Elect

The President-Elect of the Faculty Council assists the President as needed.

4.7.3. The Secretary

The Faculty Council Secretary keeps minutes of Faculty Council and Steering Committee meetings, takes attendance at those meetings, and assists in arranging Special Meetings of the Faculty or Special Meetings of the Faculty Council. They are responsible for the determination of the number of Representatives from each Department based on the listing provided by the Dean or designee, and for overseeing the maintenance the Faculty Council web site and an Electronic Archive of Faculty Council Documents in collaboration with the administrative assistance provided by the Dean (Section 4.12.).

4.7.4. The Parliamentarian

The Faculty Council Parliamentarian advises the President on meeting rules of order, Faculty Council policy documents and bylaws. Additionally, The Parliamentarian shall serve as the liaison between the Faculty Council Steering Committee and Committee Chairs. They shall track committee progress on current charges. They shall provide routine update reports to the Faculty Council regarding committee progress.

4.7.5. The Basic Science and Clinical Representatives

There shall be two (2) Faculty Council Representatives to the Executive Committee (Section 8), and Basic Science Representative and a Clinical Representative. They shall represent the interests of the Basic Science and Clinical Faculty, respectively, to the Executive Committee and report Executive Committee activities to the Faculty Council as necessary.

4.7.6. Terms of Office

Faculty Council Officers shall serve concurrently with their term as a Departmental Representative or Appointed Representative. If the term of a Representative expires prior to the end of their term as an officer, they shall continue as an Appointed Representative until completion of their term as an officer.

The President shall serve in that capacity for one (1) year.

The President-Elect shall serve in that capacity for one (1) year and then will assume the office of President of the Faculty Council.

The Secretary and Parliamentarian shall each serve in that capacity for two (2) years, in staggered terms.

The Basic Science Representative to the Executive Committee and Clinical Representative to the Executive Committee shall each serve in that capacity for two (2) years, in staggered terms.

Officers shall not succeed themselves in their respective offices.

4.8. Steering Committee of the Faculty Council

4.8.1. Role and Responsibilities

There shall be a Steering Committee of the Faculty Council. The Steering Committee shall represent and act on the behalf of the Faculty Council in all matters within the purview of the Faculty Council. The Steering Committee shall:

  1. Meet at least monthly
  2. Assist the President in preparation of the agenda for all subsequent Faculty Council meetings.
  3. Maintain oversight of all Standing Committees, Select Committees and Ad Hoc Committees of the Faculty Council.
  4. Serve as the Nominating Committee for all Faculty Council Committees.
  5. Through the President of Faculty Council, report its deliberations to the Faculty Council at all Faculty Council meetings.

All actions of the Steering Committee shall be subject to approval of the Faculty Council.

4.8.2. Composition

The Steering Committee shall be composed of the Officers of the Faculty Council, the Past-President of the Faculty Council and three (3) at-large members elected by The Faculty Council. The Dean or designee and the President of the University Faculty Senate shall serve as Ex-Officio Members.

At-Large Members shall each serve in that capacity for one (1) year. An At-Large Member may be re-elected for an additional one (1) year term. At-Large Members may not serve more than two (2) consecutive terms.

Reasonable effort will be made to ensure that the Steering Committee has adequate representation from both Basic Science and Clinical Departments, as defined in Appendix A of these Bylaws.

4.9. Nomination and Election of Faculty Council Officers and At-Large Steering Committee Members

Except for the incoming President, Faculty Council Officers and At-Large Steering Committee Members will be elected by majority vote of the Faculty Council.

The Nominating Committee for Election of Faculty Council Officers and At-Large Steering Committee Members shall be composed of the current members of the Steering Committee and two (2) other current members of the Faculty Council to be appointed by the President of the Faculty Council.

At least one member of the Nominating Committee must be a member of the voting volunteer faculty. If no current Faculty Council members are from the volunteer ranks, then the Faculty Council President must appoint a Nominating Committee member from among the voting Volunteer Faculty.

The Nominating Committee shall present the slate of nominees for service on the Steering Committee to the Faculty Council. Any individual so nominated must agree to their nomination in advance of any formal vote of the Faculty Council. Additional nominations can be made from the floor. Any individual so nominated must be present and agree to have their name entered as a candidate for committee membership.

The election will be conducted by the Chair of the Elections and Bylaws Committee or designee at the first regular meeting of the new Faculty Council each June.

Newly elected Faculty Council Officers and At-Large Steering Committee Members shall assume office immediately upon election.

4.10. Meetings of the Faculty Council

4.10.1. Regular Meetings

The Faculty Council shall hold regular meetings once a month at a time and place to be determined by the Steering Committee. The June meeting shall be considered the first Faculty Council meeting of the year. The December and July meetings are considered optional, at the discretion of the Steering Committee.

The agenda of such a regular meeting, any supporting documents relevant to agenda items, and minutes of the previous Faculty Council meeting, shall be made available to the membership of the Faculty Council by the President or his designee. This information shall be provided in a timely fashion, prior to the date of the meeting. All meetings of the Faculty Council shall be open to all members of Jacobs School community as observers.

4.10.2. Special Meetings

A Special Meeting of Faculty Council may be called by the Dean, the President of the Faculty Council, or by petition of the Membership of the Faculty Council.

For special meetings called by petition the Membership of the Faculty Council, at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the members must support the petition. Said petition shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Faculty Council. A lead petitioner must be identified for communication and organizational purposes.

For any special meetings of the Faculty Council, there must be an agenda specifying the topic to be discussed at that meeting. Discussion at this meeting shall be restricted to that specified topic. The agenda and meeting notification shall be transmitted to the membership, in a timely fashion prior to the date of that meeting.

A special meeting called by petition shall be held at a time and place mutually agreed upon by the Secretary and the lead petitioner.

4.10.3. Standing Order of Business

Standing Order of Business at all regular Faculty Council meetings requires that any resolutions before the Faculty Council, which would result in a change in the intent of a Jacobs School written policy, be subject to the following rules of order.

Said policy resolution, having been distributed to the Faculty Council in advance, shall have a first presentation at a meeting of the Faculty Council. The first presentation will be followed by discussion. This constitutes a “first reading”.

A second presentation and discussion will take place at a subsequent meeting, preferably the next scheduled meeting. This constitutes a “second reading”. The resolution will be voted upon following the second presentation and discussion.

A Standing Order of Business at all regular Faculty Council meetings requires that any resolutions before the Faculty Council, not related to substantive policy changes, be acted upon at the same meeting.

4.10.4. Voting

Voting by the Faculty Council allows for, but is not limited to, vote for approval, rejection, tabling, or referral back to Committee.

In all actions, The Faculty Council operates by majority vote, unless otherwise stipulated in these Bylaws. For this purpose, a majority vote will be considered to be a vote of greater than fifty percent (50%) of Faculty Council members present at the meeting of the Faculty Council where such action is undertaken.

For both Regular and Special meetings of the Faculty Council, a minimum of twenty-five percent (25%) of the membership of the Faculty Council shall constitute a quorum for all actions requiring a vote.

Any decision of the Faculty Council may be challenged by referendum in accordance with Section 4.11.2 of these Bylaws.

4.10.5. Minutes

The Secretary of the Faculty Council shall record in the minutes all proceedings, decisions and resolutions undertaken by the Faculty Council at each meeting.

The minutes of each meeting shall be transmitted to all members of the Faculty Council, in a timely manner, prior to the next regular meeting of the Faculty Council.

The minutes will also be made available to all members of the Faculty.

The preceding stipulations in this section of these Bylaws also apply to meetings of the Faculty Council Steering Committee.

4.11. Propositions and Referenda

4.11.1. Propositions

Propositions for the consideration of the Faculty Council may be offered by any Faculty Member. The proposition may be presented by the Faculty Member, either in person or via their Faculty Council Representative. Such propositions may be presented at a regular Faculty Council meeting, during the time reserved in the meeting for New Business.

Propositions may not involve any matter on questions pertaining to order and privilege; departmental structure; motions to adjourn; to fix the time in which to adjourn; to accept minutes of previous meetings; or to receive reports and to refer to committees for study.

Propositions shall not apply to amendments to these Bylaws. The Bylaw amendment process shall be governed exclusively by provisions in Section 10 of these Bylaws.

4.11.2. Referenda

The referendum process may be used to challenge any decision of the Faculty Council. A referendum is mandated when it is requested by petition of twenty-five percent (25%) or more of the total membership of the Faculty Council, or upon petition of five percent (5%) or more of the Voting Faculty. A petition to challenge a Faculty Council decision by referendum must be in place no later than thirty (30) days after the adoption of the decision in question. This time period excludes intervals when the School is not in session.

The petition for challenge must include an alternative to the original resolution.

The petition shall be delivered to the Secretary of the Faculty Council. A lead petitioner shall be identified for communication and organizational purposes.

The rationale for the referendum, the alternative resolution, and any supporting documents shall be prepared by the lead petitioner. Said information shall be transmitted to the Faculty Council for consideration at the next regular meeting.

The referendum shall be conducted under the supervision of the Committee on Elections and Bylaws.

The results of the deliberation of the Faculty Council will be transmitted to the lead petitioner. If this fails to resolve the disputed decision, all relevant documents will be transmitted to the Dean for consideration. The Dean will be considered the final arbiter in the resolution of the matter.

Referenda may not involve any matter on questions pertaining to order and privilege; departmental structure; motions to adjourn; to fix the time in which to adjourn; to accept minutes of previous meetings; or to receive reports and to refer to committees for study.

4.12. Administrative Assistance

There shall be administrative services provided to aid the Faculty Council with communication and record keeping as requested by the Faculty Council Steering Committee. These services include Faculty Council Web Site maintenance and assistance with keeping an Electronic Archive of Faculty Council Documents. These services shall be provided by the Jacobs School.

5. Faculty Council Committees

5.1. Types of Faculty Council Committee

There shall be Committees of the Faculty Council that will be divided into Standing Committees, Select Committees, and Ad Hoc Committees.

5.1.1. Standing Committees

Standing Committees are those considered essential and are continually activated. These Committees are generally associated with a specific policy document of the Jacobs School.

5.1.2. Select Committees

Select Committees are those considered to be of high importance, but may be activated or deactivated as necessary based on specific committee charges. Select Committees may be activated or deactivated on recommendation of the Steering Committee and majority vote of the Faculty Council. The terms of office for members of Select Committees shall expire in three (3) years or when the Committee is deactivated, whichever comes first.

5.1.3. Ad hoc Committees

Ad Hoc Committees are temporary committees that may be created to accomplish a specific and limited task. The Committee is disbanded when that task is complete. Terms of office for members of Ad Hoc Committees shall expire in three (3) years or when the Committee is disbanded, whichever comes first.

5.2. Charges of Faculty Council Committees

Standing Committees and Select Committees shall have standing charges as defined in relevant sections of these Bylaws. Any changes to standing charges are subject to the amendment process as enumerated in these Bylaws.

Standing Committees and Select Committees may be provided additional charges, apart from standing charges, by the Dean or the Faculty Council President as deemed appropriate.

Committee Chairs, in consultation with the membership of the Committee, may request that additional charges be added or previous charges be removed. This request shall be presented to the Dean or the Faculty Council President, for subsequent consideration by the Steering Committee.

5.3. Responsibilities of Faculty Council Committees

Committees of the Faculty Council are required to report regularly to the Faculty Council. Standing Committees must report at a minimum of once a year. Select Committees or Ad Hoc Committees must report periodically, as their charges would dictate.

Committees shall present such reports, in writing, to the Steering Committee Parliamentarian for transmission to the Faculty Council. The Steering Committee shall review all reports and provide additional recommendations as appropriate.

A Committee Chair or designee may be required to present said reports to the Faculty Council at a Faculty Council meeting.

Any voting member of a Committee shall have the privilege of filing a minority report concomitantly with the majority report of the Committee.

Each Standing Committee, Select Committee, and Ad Hoc committee of the Faculty Council shall create a permanent record of their minutes and transmit said records to the Parliamentarian who will ensure they are deposited in the Electronic Archive of Faculty Council Documents.

5.4. Composition of Faculty Council Committees

The composition of Standing and Select Committees shall be enumerated in Appendix B of these Bylaws. The composition of Ad Hoc Committees will be determined on the basis of Committee charges at the time of its inception.

Reasonable effort will be made to ensure that Committees have adequate representation from both Basic Science and Clinical Departments, as defined in Appendix A of these Bylaws.

Reasonable effort will be made to ensure that Committee composition is diverse and inclusive.

Members and Chairs of Committees shall be elected by vote of the Faculty Council pursuant to relevant sections of Section 4 of these Bylaws.

5.5. Service on Faculty Council Committees

5.5.1. Nomination and Election

The Steering Committee shall nominate individuals to serve as Faculty Council Committee Members and Committee Chairs. Any individual so nominated must agree to their nomination in advance of any formal vote of the Faculty Council. The slate of nominees will be presented to the Faculty Council for a vote at a regular meeting of the Faculty Council. Additional Committee nominations can be made from the floor. Any individual so nominated must be present and agree to have their name entered as a candidate for committee membership.

Effort will be made to maintain a reasonable level of continuity of the Committee Membership as individual Committee Members complete their term of office.

5.5.2. Eligibility to Serve

Faculty, Medical Students, Graduate Students, and Residents may serve as Committee members in a manner defined in these Bylaws and in any relevant written policy document of the Jacobs School.

The Committee Chair may invite other individuals to participate in the work of the Committee in an advisory non-voting capacity. Such individuals may include, but are not limited to, other voting or non-voting Faculty, Medical Students and Graduate Students enrolled in the Jacobs School, other Members of the University, individuals in the wider community and related community organizations.

The Dean or designee may serve as an Ex-Officio Member of any and all Faculty Council related Committees.

No more than one-third (1/3) of the membership of any Committee may be drawn from individuals who are also members of the Executive Committee of the Jacobs School, as defined in Section 8 of these Bylaws.

5.5.3. Terms of Office

Individuals elected to Faculty Council Committees shall serve a three (3) year term, unless otherwise stated in relevant sections of these Bylaws. Individuals may be eligible for re-election, for a maximum of two (2) consecutive terms. Terms may be extended as necessary at the discretion of the Faculty Council Steering Committee. 

If an individual is completing their term of office, and a new member is yet to be appointed, that individual will continue working as a Committee Member until the Faculty Council is able to act on new Committee appointments.

5.5.4. Vacancies

In the event of a Committee vacancy, for any cause, an individual will be nominated by the Steering Committee and elected by the Faculty Council pursuant to sections in these Bylaws relevant to Committee Member elections. Their duties shall commence immediately upon election.

5.5.5. Removal from Service

Committee members, including Committee Chairs, may be removed from their Committee position, for any cause, by vote of the Faculty Council Steering Committee. A vote for removal is subject to a prior or subsequent confirmatory vote of the Faculty Council.

5.6. The Standing Committees of the Faculty Council

5.6.1. The Standing Committee on the Medical Curriculum

The Standing Committee on the Medical Curriculum shall evaluate curriculum, monitor outcomes, formulate, and advise the Faculty Council of changes to the curricular policy and the academic programs leading to the M.D. Degree in the Jacobs School. They will engage in ongoing planning and continuous quality improvement processes that establish short and long-term programmatic goals, result in the achievement of measurable outcomes that are used to improve programmatic quality, and ensure effective monitoring of the medical education program’s compliance with accreditation standards.  They will further ensure that the medical curriculum provides content of sufficient breadth and depth to prepare medical students for entry into any residency program and for the subsequent contemporary practice of medicine. They will ensure that the medical curriculum uses formally adopted medical education program objectives to guide the selection of curriculum content, review and revise the curriculum, and establish the basis for evaluating programmatic effectiveness. The Curriculum Committee shall have two standing subcommittees, the Phase 1 and Phase 2 Committees that will serve as “operations” committees, and will be charged with implementing the policies and action items as specified by the Curriculum Committee.

5.6.2. The Standing Committee on Elections and Bylaws

The Standing Committee on Elections and Bylaws shall oversee the conduct of all elections in the Jacobs School, pertaining to the Faculty Council and its related Committees. This Committee shall conduct continuing review of the Bylaws of the Jacobs School. The Committee shall determine and implement any necessary procedures related to Elections and Bylaws where they are not specified in these Bylaws. This Committee shall have additional duties pursuant to other relevant sections of these Bylaws.

5.6.3. The Standing Committee on Student Progress

The Standing Committee on Student Progress shall conduct a formal review of student performance, if such performance may lead to a change in academic or professional status. The mechanism by which this is accomplished is specified in the Academic Status Policy of the Jacobs School.

5.6.4. The Standing Committee on Student Appeals

The Standing Committee on Student Appeals shall function as an adjudication committee in matters of dismissal and / or grievance. The mechanism by which this is accomplished is specified in the Academic Status Policy of the Jacobs School.

 5.6.5. The Standing Committee on Diversity, Inclusion and Learning Environment

The Standing Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Learning Environment shall review the Diversity Policy of the Jacobs School, and advise the Faculty Council on relative policies and practices, to achieve appropriate diversity and inclusion among students, faculty and staff to ensure that the policy conforms to standards set forth by the University and the State University of New York.  The Committee shall also review and make recommendations to the Faculty Council in matters related to the Learning Environment Policy of the Jacobs School. This policy is designed to ensure a nurturing learning environment for all students.  In this latter function, they are charged with meeting regularly to receive and address concerns and problems with the Jacobs School learning environment expressed by students, residents, or faculty.  They will also receive and act upon complaints of Learning Environment Policy violations made either through the internal system of the Jacobs School or through mechanisms provided by the University at Buffalo.

 5.6.6. The Standing Committee on Conflict of Interest 

The Standing Committee on Conflict of Interest shall monitor and propose revisions to the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Policy as appropriate. The Committee shall be responsible for ensuring the education of Faculty about the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Policy. The committee shall, when called upon, issue advisory rulings on specific potential conflicts of interest as defined in the Conflict of Interest and Disclosure Policy.

 5.6.7. The Standing Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure 

The Standing Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure shall be comprised of three (3) Sub-committees:

  1. Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to Unqualified Ranks
  2. Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to Research Ranks
  3. Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to (Qualified) Clinical Ranks

All of the Promotions Sub-Committees will be appointed by the Dean from a slate of nominees compiled by the Steering Committee of the Faculty Council in consultation with the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs.

Reasonable efforts will be made to ensure equitable distribution between Faculty Members from Basic Science Departments and Clinical Departments, as defined in Appendix A of these Bylaws, if applicable.

Promotions of the Faculty are initiated by the Department Chair. Proposed promotions are then referred to the appropriate Sub-committee for review and appropriate action.

The Appropriate Sub-Committee shall engage in deliberations related to Faculty proposed for promotion. Following said deliberations, a vote of the Sub-committee will be conducted. Results of the vote will be reported using the following four categories: in favor, opposed, abstained and recused / conflict of interest. The aforementioned actions of the Sub-committee will be complied by the Chair of the Sub-committee and transmitted to the Dean for further consideration.

Members of the Appointment and Promotions Sub-committees must recuse themselves from deliberations and voting if they have a conflict of interest with any individual being considered for promotion. Conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to, a close personal relationship, a close professional relationship, a financial/personal property relationship or an employer/employee relationship.

5.7. The Select Committees of the Faculty Council

5.7.1. The Select Committee on Faculty Appointment, Promotion, Tenure and Privileges Policy

The Select Committee on Faculty Appointment, Promotion, Tenure and Privileges Policy shall review the policies and procedures of the Jacobs School concerning appointment, promotion, granting of tenure, and termination of Faculty. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Faculty Council in such matters, consistent with the current Policies of the Jacobs School, the University, and the Board of Trustees.

5.7.2. The Select Committee on Facilities Planning and Space Allocation Policy

The Select Committee on Facilities Planning and Space Allocation shall review the policy of the Jacobs School as it relates to facilities planning. The committee shall review and revise the Space Allocation Policy of the Jacobs School as appropriate.

5.7.3. The Select Committee on Graduate Educational Policies in Biomedical Sciences

The Select Committee on Graduate Educational Policies in Biomedical Sciences shall review, formulate, and recommend policies relating to graduate programs of study leading to M.S., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees in the School.

5.7.4. The Select Committee on Medical Student Admissions Policy

The Select Committee on Medical Student Admissions Policy shall review and recommend policies to the Faculty Council for admission requirements for potential applicants to the medical education program of the Jacobs School, as well as policies and procedures for medical student selection, enrollment, and assignment.

5.7.5. The Select Committee on Medical Student Affairs and Academic Standing

The Select Committee on Medical Student Affairs and Academic Standing shall periodically review the Academic Status Policy of the Jacobs School, effective policies and procedures regarding, and make decisions about, medical student assessment, promotion, graduation, and any disciplinary action. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Faculty Council concerning medical student affairs.

5.7.6. The Select Committee on Volunteer Faculty Policy

The Select Committee on Volunteer Faculty shall periodically review the Volunteer Faculty Policy of the Jacobs School. The Committee shall make recommendations to the Faculty Council concerning matters pertaining to Volunteer Faculty.

5.7.7. The Select Committee on Bi-Decanal Appointment, Promotion and Tenure

The Select Committee on Bi-Decanal Appointment, Promotion and Tenure shall be comprised of two (2) Sub-committees:

  1. Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to All Bi-Decanal Unqualified Ranks
  2. Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to All Bi-Decanal Qualified Clinical and Research Ranks

The promotions process will be jointly managed by the Deans of both Decanal Units.

Selection of the Sub-Committee members will be decided by the Dean or Dean’s designee from each Decanal Units.

Promotions of the Faculty are initiated by the appropriate Department Chair from either or both of the respective Decanal Units. Proposed promotions are then referred to the appropriate Sub-committee for review and appropriate action.

The Appropriate Sub-Committee shall engage in deliberations related to Faculty proposed for promotion. Following said deliberations, a vote of the Sub-committee will be conducted. Results of the vote will be reported using the following four categories: in favor, opposed, abstained and recused / conflict of interest. The aforementioned actions of the Sub-committee will be complied by the Chair of the Sub-committee and transmitted to the Dean for further consideration.

Members of the Appointment and Promotions Sub-committees must recuse themselves from deliberations and voting if they have a conflict of interest with any individual being considered for promotion. Conflicts of interest include, but are not limited to, a close personal relationship, a close professional relationship, a financial/personal property relationship or an employer/employee relationship.

5.8. Ad Hoc Committees of the Faculty Council

The President of the Steering Committee of the Faculty Council or the Dean may establish Ad Hoc committees. Members and Chairs of Ad Hoc Committees shall be approved by majority vote of the Steering Committee and the Faculty Council.

6. Responsibilities of the Dean

The Dean shall serve as the Chief Administrative Officer of the Jacobs School. The Dean shall execute said duties in a manner consistent with the policies and procedures set forth by the University and the State University of New York.

The Dean holds the authority for and bears the responsibility for the essential functions of the Jacobs School. These functions include, but are not limited to:

6.1. Promotion of Faculty

The Dean shall make recommendations to the Provost regarding the promotion of Faculty in the Jacobs School. This shall be done with due consideration given to the recommendations made by the appropriate Department Chair and the appropriate Committee on Appointment and Promotion and Tenure.

6.2. Appointment of New Faculty

The Dean shall appoint new Faculty Members, upon recommendation of the appropriate Department Chair. The Department Chair will make such recommendations in consultation with Departmental Faculty. When a new appointment involves a tenure commitment, it shall be reviewed by the appropriate Committee on Appointment and Promotion and Tenure.

6.3. Appointment of Department Chairs

The Dean shall appoint search committees for Department Chairs in the Jacobs School. They shall consider the recommendations of the search committees, as they work to secure the services of a candidate. The Dean will then make appropriate recommendations to the Provost.

6.4. Budget Preparation

The Dean shall develop and prepare the annual budget of the Jacobs School. This shall be carried out in consultation with the Associate Deans, Assistant Deans, and Department Chairs as appropriate. The budget shall address funding for professional and non-professional positions, including funds for promotions and merit increases; funding for the educational and research programs of the Jacobs School, including all Departments and Divisions.

6.5. Management of University Funding and External Funding

The Dean shall be responsible for procurement, assignment and management of monies derived from or through the University, on behalf of the School. This may also include external funding from endowment funds or grants.

6.6. Development of Philanthropic Efforts

The Dean shall be responsible for the development of philanthropic efforts on behalf of the Jacobs School.

6.7. Securing Faculty Participation in School Programs

The Dean, through appropriate Department Chairs, shall secure and arrange for the participation of the Faculty in the educational and other professional activities in the School.

6.8. Space Allocation

The Dean shall act as spokesperson and negotiator for the Jacobs School in dealing with the University Administration concerning space allocation within University controlled buildings. This shall be done in consultation with the Department Chairs and the Faculty Council.

6.9. Supervisory Authority Related to Professional Activities

The Dean shall have supervisory authority over the professional activities of Faculty and Staff. This includes authority related to the conduct of such operations as: admissions of students; counseling and promotion of students; recommendations for the awarding of degrees; and maintenance of appropriate professional conduct within the student body.

6.10. Determination of Appropriate Elements of Medical Education

The Dean shall be responsible for assuring that the appropriate elements of medical education are included in the programs of the School. He or she shall work to ensure that balanced instruction is maintained throughout the various aspects of medical education in both basic science and to clinical medicine.

6.11. Securing and Maintaining Accreditation

The Dean shall be responsible for efforts aimed at securing and maintaining appropriate academic accreditation for the Jacobs School.

6.12. Support and Maintenance of Research

The Dean shall work to support and maintain high quality research efforts of the School.

6.13. Committee Administration

The Dean shall have the responsibility and authority to appoint such Committees deemed necessary to facilitate the ability of the Dean to discharge the responsibilities of his or her office. The Dean or designee shall serve as an Ex-Officio member of all committees of the Jacobs School.

6.14. Regular Reporting of Activities

The Dean shall provide a report related to the actions of the Dean, Senior Associate Deans, Associate Deans, Assistant Deans, and the Executive Committee. Said report shall be a standing order of business at all regular Faculty Council meetings.

7. Responsibilities of Departmental Chairs

The Departmental Chairs are designated by the Dean to serve as the Chief Executive Officer of their respective Department of Study. They shall be the official channel of communication for a Department of Study as it relates to the Dean, the University, or other appropriate external organizations.

Duties of the Chairs include but are not limited to the following:

  1. Arrange and preside at regular meetings of the Department
  2. Maintain charge of all official Departmental correspondence
  3. Establish and maintain appropriate balance related to teaching, research, public service, and maintain appropriate records of this activity
  4. Accountable for medical student education within the department and for cooperating with interdisciplinary programs, established and proposed, with other departments both within and outside of the Jacobs School.
  5. Regularly report to the Dean regarding Departmental activity
  6. Manage Departmental resources
  7. Coordinate as necessary with the Committee on Medical Curriculum
  8. Serve on School and University Committees as directed by the Dean
  9. Recruit and retain Faculty members
  10. Work toward Departmental diversity related to Faculty and Staff
  11. Establish Departmental pay equity
  12. Manage Departmental space allocation
  13. Execute all aspects of the strategic plan of the Jacobs School, specifically as it relates to their Department
  14. Facilitate career development and mentoring within the Department. They shall provide appropriate and timely reviews of performance
  15. Be responsible for Graduate Medical Education programs within the oversight of their Department
  16. Manage the fiscal responsibilities of their Department (in consultation with the Dean)

The Chairs of Clinical Departments, as defined in Appendix A of these Bylaws, are additionally responsible for:

  1. Coordination of activities with the administrators of affiliated hospitals and other clinical sites. Such coordination shall relate to leadership, staffing, clinical care, regulatory requirements, medical staff issues, clinical outcomes, and patient satisfaction
  2. Endorsing and support a clinical practice plan

Decisions of the Chairs in the above matters shall be made in consultation with Faculty of the respective Departments.

In consultation with the Dean, the Chair is empowered to undertake emergency action pending an appropriate meeting of Departmental Faculty.

8. Executive Committee and Departmental Councils

8.1. The Executive Committee of the Jacobs School

The Executive Committee of the Jacobs School shall serve, at an administrative level, as a consultative and advisory committee to the Dean.

The Executive Committee shall consist of:

  1. The Dean (who shall be the Presiding Officer)
  2. The Senior Associate Deans
  3. The Chairs of the Departments of Study
  4. The President of the Faculty Council
  5. The President-elect of the Faculty Council
  6. The Faculty Council Steering Committee Basic Science Representative
  7. The Faculty Council Steering Committee Clinical Representative

8.2. The Departmental Councils

Departmental Councils shall be designated as a Basic Science Council and a Clinical Council. The Basic Science and Clinical Councils shall serve in an advisory capacity to the Dean. The Councils shall assist and advise through activities such as idea sharing, and problem solving. The Councils do not have authority to design or implement School policies.

The Dean shall be the presiding officer of both the Basic Science Council and the Clinical Council.

The Basic Science Council shall consist of the Dean and the Chairs of the Basic Science Departments, as defined in Appendix A of these Bylaws. The Clinical Council shall consist of the Dean or designee and the Chairs of the Clinical Departments, as defined in Appendix A of these Bylaws.

Department Chairs may be permitted to serve on both the Basic Science Council and the Clinical Council at the discretion of the Dean.

The Basic Science and Clinical Councils shall meet independently each month, at the discretion of the Dean, for consideration of matters pertinent to each respective Council.

8.3. Terms of Office

Terms of office for members of the Executive Committee and the Departmental Councils are determined pursuant to relevant sections of these Bylaws, relevant policies of the University, or relevant policies of the State University of New York.

9. Departments of Study and Departmental Structure

9.1. Departments of Study

Departments of Study are divided into Basic Science Departments and Clinical Departments. The Departments of Study are enumerated in Appendix A of these Bylaws.

9.2. Changing Departmental Structure

A change in department structure is defined as a situation in which there is a dissolution of a department, a merger of two or more departments, or a major reorganization within a department.

9.2.1. Proposals for Changing Departmental Structure

A proposal for change in the departmental structure of the Jacobs School may be initiated either by the Faculty Council or by the Dean in consultation with the Executive Committee.

A proposal for changing Departmental Structure must include the following.

  1. Background information, the rationale for the change and the expected outcome.
  2. Intradepartmental Evaluation of the Department(s) in question, including perceived strengths and weaknesses of the following aspects of the Department(s): Educational Programs, Scholarly (Research) Programs, Clinical Programs, Clinical Practice, Faculty, and Departmental Governance.
  3. Impact of a Change in Departmental Structure as determined by each Department as it relates to the following: Educational Programs, Scholarly (Research) Programs, Clinical Programs, Clinical Practice, Faculty, and Departmental Governance.
  4. External Review of these evaluations by the Ad Hoc Committee indicating the opportunities, advantages, and disadvantages that may result from the proposed change in Departmental structure. This should include an assessment of the impact of that change as it relates to the Jacobs School, the University and Western New York. Elements to be considered include the following: Educational Programs, Scholarly (Research) Programs, Clinical Programs, Clinical Practice, Faculty and the Community.
  5. Summary Report of Recommended Changes in Departmental Structure by the Ad Hoc Committee including information related to the following: Departmental structure, Departmental governance, educational programs, research and other scholarly activities, clinical programs, clinical practice, faculty, and a conflict resolution mechanism for dissenting faculty.

9.2.2. Evaluation Process for Changing Departmental Structure

An Ad Hoc Committee of the Faculty Council will be constituted to consider such proposed changes. This Ad Hoc committee shall follow the evaluation process outlined in this section of these Bylaws.

The findings and recommendations of the Ad Hoc Committee will be presented to the Faculty Council for appropriate discussion at the next regular meeting. The proposal and all necessary supporting documents shall be transmitted to the membership of the Faculty Council. Following distribution of said information, Faculty Council members have a three (3) week time period to return their vote to the Chair of the Elections and Bylaws Committee. The proposal shall be considered to have passed in the event of an affirmative vote by a minimum of two-thirds (2/3) of the Faculty Council members who return their vote within the prescribed time period.

Following approval or disapproval of the resolution by the Faculty Council, the information will be transmitted to the Dean for further consideration.

The Dean will submit this information, along with his or her comments and recommendations to the Provost or any other appropriate agent of the University at Buffalo or the State University of New York.

Upon receipt of a final decision by the Provost or other appropriate agent, the Dean of the Jacobs School will then implement said final decision.

10. Adoption and Amendment of These Bylaws

10.1. Adoption of These Bylaws

These Bylaws will be adopted following an appropriate affirmative vote of the Faculty Council, and subsequent affirmative vote of the Voting Faculty of the Jacobs School.

10.2. Amendment of These Bylaws

Amendment of these bylaws may be proposed by the Committee on Elections and Bylaws, by the Faculty Council, or by a written petition of at least five percent (5%) of the voting faculty.

Proposed amendments shall be transmitted to the Committee on Elections and Bylaws. Said Committee shall review and comment on the proposed amendment, after which the proposal shall be transmitted to the Secretary of the Faculty Council.

If the proposed amendments are submitted by petition of the voting faculty, a lead petitioner must be identified for communication and organizational purposes.

10.3. Adoption of Amendments

The Secretary of the Faculty Council shall transmit the proposed amendments to the Faculty Council. The proposal shall be presented and debated in a manner pursuant to the procedures governing all other substantive policy changes. This requires a first and second presentation, as defined in the appropriate standing order of business outlined above, before the proposal is offered for a vote.

The Faculty Council shall then vote on the amendment. The proposal is considered to have passed if a two-thirds (2/3) majority of the Faculty Council present for the second presentation votes in the affirmative.

If the Faculty Council votes in the negative, the proposal is not passed and no further action is taken.

If the proposal is passed by the Faculty Council, then the proposal is referred to the voting faculty for consideration. A copy of the proposal, and a statement defining the change in the existing Bylaws, will be transmitted to the Voting Faculty in a timely manner.

Following distribution of said information, Voting Faculty members will have a three (3) week time period to return their vote to the Chair of the Elections and Bylaws Committee. An affirmative vote by a simple majority of those voting faculty who return their vote within the prescribed time period, shall be deemed a favorable confirmatory vote.

In the event of a favorable confirmatory vote, the amendment to these Bylaws will be immediately in force.

10.4 Amendment of These Bylaws Related to Policy Conflicts

In the event that conflicts arise between these Bylaws and any organization or structure that these Bylaws are subordinate to, the Elections and Bylaws Committee may propose an amendment to resolve said conflict. In such a case, these Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the Faculty Council members present at the meeting where this action is considered for a vote, and will not require further vote of the Faculty. The amendment will be in force upon an affirmative Faculty Council vote.

10.5 Amendment of These Bylaws Related to Internal Inconsistency

In the event that these Bylaws are found to have entries that are not internally consistent, the Elections and Bylaws Committee may propose an amendment to resolve said conflict. In such a case, these Bylaws may be amended by a 2/3 vote of the Faculty Council members present at the meeting where this action is considered for a vote, and will not require further vote of the Faculty. The amendment will be in force upon an affirmative Faculty Council vote.

11. Appendices to These Bylaws

The Current Appendices to these Bylaws are:

  1. Appendix A: Departments of Study
  2. Appendix B: Faculty Council Committee Composition
  3. Appendix C: Definitions
  4. Appendix D: Index of Changes to the Bylaws

An existing Appendix may be modified by resolution and subsequent majority vote of the Faculty Council.

Proposals to add an additional Appendix or to eliminate an existing Appendix are subject to amendment procedures outlined in the relevant sections of these Bylaws.

Appendix A: Departments of Study

Basic Science Departments

  • Biochemistry
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Biomedical Informatics
  • Biotechnical and Clinical Laboratory Sciences
  • Microbiology and Immunology
  • Pathology and Anatomical Sciences
  • Pharmacology and Toxicology
  • Physiology and Biophysics
  • Structural Biology

Clinical Departments

  • Anesthesiology
  • Dermatology
  • Emergency Medicine
  • Family Medicine
  • Medicine
  • Neurology
  • Neurosurgery
  • Nuclear Medicine
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology
  • Ophthalmology
  • Orthopedics
  • Otolaryngology
  • Pediatrics
  • Psychiatry
  • Radiation Oncology
  • Radiology
  • Surgery
  • Urology

Appendix B: Faculty Council Committee Composition

Standing Committee Composition

Standing Committee on Medical Curriculum

The Committee shall consist of fifteen (15) Faculty members, the Director of the Medical Education and Educational Research Institute, the UB Library Liaison to the Jacobs School, and seven (7) Medical Student members. all stated members will have voting privileges.

The Faculty members shall include the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Curriculum or designee; the Chair of the Phase I Committee or designee; the Chair of the Phase 2 Committee or designee; six (6) other Faculty members from the Phase 1 years; and six (6) other faculty from the Phase 2 years.

The Medical Student members shall include one (1) Medical Student from each class year. There shall also be two (2) Medical Students from the AAMC Organization of Student Representatives (OSR), and one (1) MD/PhD student. The student members of the Committee including OSR, MD/PhD, and general student body representatives will each be chosen by the existing student representatives in their respective roles.

The Senior Associate Dean for Medical Curriculum and one (1) of the twelve (12) faculty members from Phase 1 and Phase 2 who has served at least one (1) year on the Committee and has been elected by the Faculty Council will serve as Co-Chairs of the Committee.

The Dean of the Jacobs School or designee will be an ex officio member of the Committee. Associate Deans for Medical Curriculum and Senior Associate Dean for Student and Academic Affairs will also be ex-officio members of the Committee.

Standing Committee on Elections and Bylaws

The Committee shall consist of a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of eight (8) Faculty members. A minimum of one (1) Committee member shall be drawn from the Volunteer Faculty Ranks.

Standing Committee on Student Progress

The Committee shall consist of seven (7) Faculty members and two (2) alternate Faculty members. Committee member terms shall be staggered as feasible. The Chair will serve for (2) years. The subsequent Chair will be chosen from among members who have served on the Committee for at least one (1) year.

If a Committee member has a conflict of interest related to the matter in question, he or she must recuse themselves from the case.

Administrators from the Office of Medical Education may not serve as members of the Committee. However, they may serve as consultants to the Committee.

Standing Committee on Student Appeals

The Committee shall consist of five (5) Faculty members and five (5) alternate Faculty members. In addition, the Committee shall include three (3) Medical Student members and two (2) alternate Medical Student members, selected from the clinical years (class years 3 and 4). The Medical Student Committee members shall be selected by the representative Medical Student Government.

Faculty and Medical Student alternates will serve on the Committee if another member is unable to participate in case deliberations, for any cause, including conflict of interest.

The Faculty membership of the Committee shall be made available to the public each year at the start of the academic year. The Medical Student membership of the Committee shall remain confidential.

Members of the Committee shall serve for a term of one (1) year or until any matter currently under Committee deliberation reaches final resolution. Exception to this requirement is made for Medical Student members who graduate from the School prior to resolution of said matter.

Standing Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Learning Environment

The Committee shall consist of the Dean or Dean’s Designee, the Senior Associate Dean for Student and Academic Affairs, the Senior Associate Dean for Medical Curriculum, Senior Associate Dean for Graduate Medical Education, the Senior Associate Dean for Diversity and Inclusion and the Senior Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education.

Additional Faculty Committee members include two (2) pre-clinical Faculty members, two (2) clinical Faculty members, two (2) Graduate School Faculty members, and two (2) Volunteer Faculty members. Such Committee members shall serve a three (3) year renewable term as outlined in these Bylaws. The terms for each category will be in a staggered manner.

The Director of the Center for Medical Humanities shall serve on the Committee and shall be non-voting member, unless they retain voting privileges by virtue of simultaneous Faculty appointment.

Student representatives shall include eight (8) Medical Students (two from each academic year), one (1) MD/PhD Student, two (2) PhD Students, one (1) Undergraduate Student, one (1) Postdoctoral Scientist, and two (2) Residents.

Student, Postdoctoral Scientist, and Resident representatives shall serve a one (1) year term, which may be renewed.

Additionally, a minimum of two (2) Professional Staff members and two (2) Community members shall serve as consultants to the Committee, as non-voting members.

The Committee Chair will serve a one (1) year term and shall be elected by the membership of the Committee.

Standing Committee on Conflict of Interest Policy

The Committee shall consist of five (5) Faculty members and one (1) alternate Faculty member. There shall be two (2) Resident Physicians (PGY 1-6) and one (1) alternate Resident Physician (PGY 1-6). Committee member terms shall be staggered as feasible. The Chair will serve for (2) years. The subsequent Chair will be chosen from among members who have served on the Committee for at least one (1) year.

If a Committee member has a conflict of interest related to the matter in question, he or she must recuse themselves from the case.

Standing Committee on Appointment, Promotion and Tenure

The Committee shall consist of three (3) separate and independently functioning Sub-committees. The number of individuals nominated for each Sub-committee shall be equal to twice the number of vacancies on that Sub-Committee. The list of nominees will be provided to the Dean on or before date of the September Faculty Council meeting. The Dean will subsequently appoint these Sub-Committee members. Members of these Committees shall serve for three years. Each committee shall be so constructed that approximately one-third (1/3) of the Committee shall turn over each year.

  1. The Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to Unqualified Ranks shall consist of a Chair and eighteen (18) members who shall be tenured faculty members in the Jacobs School. Not more than five (5) of these committee members shall be Department Chairs.
  2. The Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to Research Ranks shall consist of a Chair and five (5) members. No more than two (2) members shall be Department Chairs and no more than two (2) members shall be Research Professors or Research Associate Professors, with no more than two (2) of them being Department Chairs.
  3. The Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to (Qualified) Clinical Ranks shall consist of a Chair, four (4) Clinical Professors or Clinical Associate Professors, four (4) Clinical Department Chairs, rotating through the Clinical Chairs, and eight (8) tenured faculty members of whom up to two (2) may be Chairs of Basic Science Departments.

Select Committee Composition

Select Committee on Faculty Appointment, Promotion, Tenure, and Privileges Policy

The Committee shall consist of a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) Faculty members. At least one (1) Committee member shall be drawn from among the Volunteer Voting Faculty ranks.

Select Committee on Facilities Planning and Space Allocation

The Committee shall consist of a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of six (6) Faculty members. The Administrative Officer in charge of budget and financial operations; the Senior Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Studies; and the Senior Associate Dean for Faculty Affairs and Facilities shall be Ex-Officio members of this Committee.

Select Committee on Graduate Education in Biomedical Sciences Policy

The Committee shall consist of the Ph.D. Program in Biomedical Sciences (PPBS) Program Director, the PPBS Director of Admissions, one (1) Faculty member from each Graduate Program, and four (4) Graduate Students from the among the Biomedical Sciences programs. Both Faculty and Graduate Student members shall have voting privileges. Committee member terms shall be staggered as feasible.

The Graduate Student members shall be nominated by the respective Graduate Student Associations. Student members will be selected subsequently by the PPBS Program Director with Departmental representation occurring on a rotating basis.

Select Committee on Medical Student Admissions Policy

The Committee shall consist of the Director of Medical Admissions; the President of the Faculty Council or designee; the Dean or designee; two (2) Faculty members from the Basic Science Departments; two (2) Faculty members from the Clinical Departments; one (1) Medical Student from the pre-clinical years (class years 1 and; one (1) Medical Student from the clinical years (class years 3 and 4). The Medical Student Committee members shall be selected by the representative Medical Student Government.

Select Committee on Medical Student Affairs and Academic Standing

The Committee shall consist of at least eight (8) Faculty members and four (4) Medical Student members. The Medical Student members shall include one (1) Medical Student from each class year. Both Faculty and Medical Student members shall have voting privileges. The Medical Student Committee members shall be selected by the representative Medical Student Government.

Select Committee on Volunteer Faculty

The Committee shall consist of a minimum of four (4) and a maximum of eight (8) Faculty members. A minimum of two-thirds (2/3) of the Committee members shall be drawn from the Volunteer Faculty Ranks.

Select Committee on Bi-Decanal Appointment, Promotion and Tenure

The Committee shall consist of two (2) separate and independently functioning Sub-committees.

  1. The Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to All Bi-Decanal Unqualified Ranks shall consist of four (4) members from each the two (2) Decanal Units in question within the University, for a total of eight (8) Members. Members must hold a rank equal to or higher than the rank proposed for the candidate. A quorum will be constituted by six (6) voting members. Ideally, the Members should be drawn from each of the School’s Committee for Appointment and Promotion to Unqualified Ranks. Selection of the members will be decided by the Dean or Dean’s designee for each School. One member from the Committee will be selected by the Department Chairs of the respective Schools to present the case. The Chair of this Committee will be a voting member selected by the Department Chairs of the respective Schools.
  2. The Sub-Committee for Appointment and Promotion to All Bi-Decanal Qualified Ranks (Clinical and Research Ranks) shall consist of three (3) members from each of the two (2) Decanal Units in question within the University, for a total of six (6) Members. Members must hold a rank equal to or higher than the rank proposed for the candidate. A quorum will be constituted by four (4) voting members. Ideally, the members should be drawn from each of the School’s Committee for Appointment and Promotion to Qualified Ranks. Selection of the members will be decided by the Dean or Dean’s designee for each School. One member from the Committee will be selected by the Department Chairs of the respective Schools to present the case. The Chair of this Committee will be a voting member selected by the Department Chairs of the respective Schools.

Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Burnout Prevention

The Committee shall consist of consist of a Chair and a minimum of 4 other members including clinical and basic science Faculty.

Appendix C: Definitions

The Board of Trustees The Board of Trustees of the State University of New York
The Dean The Dean of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
The Dean’s Designee An individual chosen by the Dean to represent his or her interests
The Department A distinct division of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, The University at Buffalo, The State University of New York, which has a specialized academic function, chair, faculty, and operating budget
The Executive Committee The Executive Committee of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
The Faculty The Faculty of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
The Faculty Council The Faculty Council of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
The Parliamentarian The Parliamentarian of The Faculty Council of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
The Past-President The Past President of The Faculty Council of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
The President The President of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
The President-Elect The President Elect of The Faculty Council of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
The Provost The Provost of the University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
The Jacobs School The Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
The Secretary The Secretary of The Faculty Council of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
The Senior Associate Deans The Senior Associate Deans of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
The Steering Committee The Steering Committee of the Faculty Council of the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, University at Buffalo, The State University of New York
The University The University at Buffalo, The State University of New York

Appendix D: Index of Changes to the Bylaws

Initial date of ratification: 06/13/2018

10/31/2018: Faculty Council voted to approve the following changes:

  • Revised description of department chair responsibilities
  • Assignment of Faculty council as the ACGME governing body
  • Creation and description of the Standing Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Learning Environment
02/28/2019: Faculty Council voted to approve the following change:
  • Appendix B: composition of the Diversity, Inclusion and Learning Environment Committee
10/30/2019: Faculty Council voted to approve the following change:
  • Appendix B: composition of the Standing Committee on Medical Curriculum
01/26/2020: Faculty Council voted to approve the following change:
  • Appendix B: composition of the Standing Committee on Student Appeals

10/27/2021: Faculty Council voted to approve the following changes:

  • Creation and description of the Ad Hoc Committee on Faculty Burnout Prevention

11/17/2021: Faculty Council voted to approve the following changes:

  • Reactivation of the Select Committee on Graduate Educational Policies in Biomedical Sciences

05/25/2022: Faculty Council voted to approve the following changes:

  • Appendix B: changes to the composition of the Standing Committee on Diversity, Inclusion, and Learning Environment

11/11/2022: Faculty Council voted to approve changes to the following areas:

  • 2 Statement of Mission; 3.2 Voting Faculty; 4.2.3. Ex-Officio Members; 10.4 & 10.5 Amendment of Bylaws; 5.6.5 The Standing Committee on Diversity, Inclusion and Learning Environment; 5.5.3 Terms of Office.