The student is provided with an opportunity to develop clinical skills under adequate supervision in the areas of history taking, performing an appropriately targeted physical examination, differential diagnosis, special diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Each student has an opportunity to participate in the active care of patients both in inpatient wards and in the outpatient clinics. Experience gained by working with patients is reviewed in group conferences and on ward rounds. Concepts not readily observed during direct patient contact are emphasized in special didactic sessions.
At the end of the clerkship students should be able to recognize and manage minor surgical problems, evaluate surgical emergency situations and understand the presentation and evaluation of common surgical problems. The educational experience is designed to allow the learner to master the basic clinical skills found in Surgery and basic surgical skills required of any physician.
The rotation is conducted over six weeks at multiple hospitals/ surgical services associated with the Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. These are intense experiences with intraoperative experience, ward assignments, ambulatory experience, required night call, student required clinical experiences, and conference attendance. All students will be required to participate in all mandatory activities for the entire six-week clerkship. These include orientation, skills labs, didactics, case conferences, grand rounds, the conferences at the hospital to which the student is assigned, and testing sessions.
Students will be assigned a grade for the clerkship. Grades are based on completion of the basic, mandatory components such as credentialing documents, attendance at all required conferences and tests, satisfactory performance of required procedures, and evaluation of overall clinical performance in the care of patients.
The goal of this clerkship is for students to develop knowledge and clinical experience in the evaluation and assessment of potential surgical patients, considering their baseline health conditions and performing a risk assessment for possible complications of common general surgery and surgical subspecialty procedures. Students will be introduced to core surgical principles and procedures, both elective and emergent, and develop an understanding of the transition of care through pre-operative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases of care.
Prerequisite: MS3 (this is a required MS3 Clerkship)