
The Department of Medicine brings together faculty members with diverse backgrounds and experiences who share a concern for the teaching and practice of clinical medicine.

The fundamental goal of Internal Medicine courses is to provide students with a comprehensive core of the clinical medicine knowledge necessary to become a competent physician. The faculty strive to motivate students and provide them with experience adequate to define and redefine their interests, whether these direct the student to practice clinical medicine or to pursue other disciplines.

The department presently includes 160 full-time and 360 part-time faculty members and 160 house staff, all of whom are utilized as instructors to give the student a broad range of learning opportunities. The department incorporates the medical services of the three major affiliated institutions: the Buffalo General Medical Center, Erie County Medical Center and Veterans Affairs Medical Center, and employs the resources of Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Sisters of Charity Hospital, Mercy Hospital of Buffalo and Millard Fillmore Hospital.

New programs, utilizing other institutions, have been developed to further increase the range of education offered to students by the department. For example, Consultation Medicine, which emphasizes the areas of adolescent and maternal medicine, is offered through the Buffalo Children’s Hospital. Several programs are also in place which focus on the teaching of patient care in various ambulatory clinics and rural practices.

Department Coordinator: Anna Alvarado Marwin

Course Descriptions

  • MED 700 Internal Medicine Clerkship, 6 credits
    The clinical clerkship in medicine is intended to enable the student to understand the clinical correlation of basic science knowledge and to acquire further medical information and clinical skills necessary for understanding and management of commonly encountered medical problems and diseases of adult patients.
  • MED 802 Advanced Clerkship in Medicine, 4 credits
    Advanced Clerkship in Medicine is a four-week rotation that will give students an inpatient experience aimed at developing expertise in managing acute illness in the hospital setting.
  • MED 803 Primary Care Internal Medicine, 4 credits
    The student will be provided experience in ambulatory medicine which approximates that of a practicing academic general internist.
  • MED 804 Cardiovascular Medicine, 4 credits
    The purpose of this elective is to provide fourth-year medical students with a comprehensive introduction to clinical cardiology.
  • MED 807 University Program in Pulmonary Diseases, 4 credits
    The objective of this rotation is to teach the clinical and laboratory techniques necessary for diagnosis and management of patients with pulmonary diseases.
  • MED 808 Renal Diseases, 4 credits (Millard Fillmore Suburban Hospital)
    The goal of this program is to familiarize the student with the current diagnosis and management of renal diseases including acute/chronic renal failure, fluid and electrolyte abnormalities and acute/chronic hypertensive problems.
  • MED 808-E Renal Diseases, 4 credits
    This rotation is designed to afford students the opportunity to acquire necessary skills for the evaluation of patients with renal disease, fluid and electrolyte abnormalities and hypertension.
  • MED 808-V Renal Diseases, 4 credits
    This rotation is designed to afford the students the opportunity to acquire necessary skills for the evaluation of patients with renal disease, fluid and electrolyte abnormalities and hypertension.
  • MED 809 Allergy–Clinical Immunology, 4 credits
    During this rotation students will learn about the diagnosis and management of allergic and immunologic diseases.
  • MED 810 Sleep Medicine, 4 credits
    The fourth year clinical elective in sleep medicine will allow the student to become familiar with the various sleep problems people encounter.
  • MED 811 University Program in Endocrinology, 4 credits
    This rotation will give the student a broad-based exposure to endocrine diseases, focusing on diagnosis, pathophysiology and management.
  • MED 812 Rheumatology, 4 credits
    The goal of this rotation is to expose the student to the fundamentals of arthritis and rheumatic diseases.
  • MED 813 Infectious Diseases, 4 credits
    This rotation provides a student with an intensive experience in clinical infectious diseases.
  • MED 817-E Inpatient/Ambulatory Care of Leukemia and Leukemia-Related Malignancies, 4 credits
    At the Erie County Medical Center site: This is a broad introduction to clinical hematology and oncology. At the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center site: This is a four-week (one module) rotation for fourth-year medical students on the Leukemia service.
  • MED 817-R Inpatient/Ambulatory Care of Leukemia and Leukemia-Related Malignancies, 4 credits
    At the Erie County Medical Center site: This is a broad introduction to clinical hematology and oncology. At the Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center site: This is a four-week (one module) rotation for fourth-year medical students on the Leukemia service.
  • MED 821 Gastroenterology-Liver, 4 credits
    This course is designed to provide an in-depth experience in gastroenterology and hepatology oriented toward gaining an understanding of the pathophysiology, molecular pathogenesis and clinical management of diseases and an exposure to the current research in the field.
  • MED 851 Pulmonary Diseases, MICU Rotation, 4 credits
    The MICU rotation will provide students with direct experience in caring for critically ill patients in the Medical intensive Care Unit.
  • MED 860 Introduction to Geriatric Medicine, 4 credits
    The course is designed to provide a clinical experience in Geriatric Medicine which is a subspecialty of Internal Medicine focused specifically on the patient who is 65 and older.
  • MED 862 Inpatient/Ambulatory Care in Oncology, 4 credits
    This program is an intensive experience directed at learning the natural history, definitive management and supportive care of outpatients with malignant disease at an internationally renowned cancer institute.
  • MED 870 International Health, 4 credits
    Students interested in overseas work in developing countries during their fourth year should begin planning their experience no later than the beginning of the third year.
  • MED 881 Introduction to Medical Oncology, 4 credits
    The goal of this course is to expose students to the decision-making process and medical management of patients with solid tumors.
  • MED 890 Course at Another University, 4 credits
    This elective will offer the students an opportunity to expose themselves to other hospitals, universities and their faculty outside of Buffalo in General Internal Medicine or a subspecialty of Internal Medicine.
  • MED 900 Preceptorship in Medicine, 4 credits
    This rotation will give the students a broader opportunity to arrange their own preceptorships with any members of the faculty of the Department of Medicine.
  • MED 950 Research in Medicine, 4 credits
    Students may, by special arrangement, elect to undertake research experience with any member of the faculty.