MED 821 Gastroenterology-Liver, 4 credits

This course is designed to provide an in-depth experience in gastroenterology and hepatology oriented toward gaining an understanding of the pathophysiology, molecular pathogenesis and clinical management of diseases and an exposure to the current research in the field.

The student will become part of a team of physicians responsible for the consultation and clinic services. The student will be expected to evaluate new patients, present to an attending physician, and to provide a review of the patient literature. They will have the opportunity to observe diagnostic procedures such as endoscopy, colonoscopy, sigmoidoscopy, ERCP, endoscopic ultrasound, esophageal motility, liver and small bowel biopsies. The student may also participate in GI grand rounds, journal club, research seminars, endoscopy, GI pathology, radiology and GI pathophysiology conferences. Students may do this course at either the ECMC, VAMC or BGMC. Hospital choice is on a first-come-first-served basis. All conferences are held at the VAMC.

The student, upon completion of this course, should have gained an appreciation of the pathophysiology and clinical characteristics of the diseases of the GI tract and the liver most commonly encountered in the geographic area. In addition, it is hoped the student will have a better idea of the value and limitations of the diagnostic procedures and therapeutic regimens used in this medical subspecialty.

Prerequisite: MS3 or MS4

Modules: C-K Blocks: 1-4

Number of students: 3

Course Director: Dr. Nahel Tunio

Course Coordinator: Hinako Bird