
The Department of Urology conducts a comprehensive program in undergraduate, graduate, and postgraduate medical education.

These academic endeavors are directed towards clinical and research activities, emphasizing correlates between basic sciences and clinical problems. Clinical facilities of the following hospitals are utilized for these activities: Buffalo General Medical Center, Oishei Children’s Hospital of Buffalo, Erie County Medical Center, Millard Fillmore Hospital and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center.

The goals of a rotation through urology are to familiarize students with the principles of diagnosis and management of common urologic disorders. Students are integrated as fully participating members of the urology team at the individual institution to which they are assigned. Students, therefore, participate in clinical rounds, the diagnostic evaluation of patients, operative procedures and clinics. It is anticipated that students will develop skills in the evaluation of imaging studies and gain an introduction to the various diagnostic techniques, including endoscopy, sonography, CT scans and MRI.

The common goals of each of the rotations listed below are as follows: Students will be integrated as fully participating members of the urology team at the institution to which they rotate. Students will participate in clinical rounds, operative procedure, patient evaluations, clinics and post-operative care, and will be expected to attend all departmental-wide teaching and clinical conferences and rounds, as well as those conferences specific to their particular institution. During their rotation, the students are encouraged to correlate clinical with pathologic findings. At the conclusion of the rotation it is anticipated that students will have developed an understanding of the various domains of urology and to become familiar with at least the initial stages of a urologic evaluation.

Department Coordinator: Steve Crowe

Course Descriptions

  • URO 800 Subinternship in Clinical Urology, 4 credits
    This rotation provides diverse experience in all of the domains of adult urology, and reflects the spectrum of urologic conditions
  • URO 819 Virtual Urology Sub-Internship, 4 credits
    This four-week elective will focus on learning the pathophysiology of urologic diseases, clinical management of the urologic patient in both inpatient and outpatient settings, and the surgical management of urologic diseases.
  • URO 890 Course At Other University, 4 credits
    By arrangement with other university and chairman of Department of Urology.
  • URO 950 Research in Urology, 4 credits
    Students may have an opportunity to work with a faculty member on a research project.