Interdepartmental Studies

These courses provide the basic medical science and the clinical science faculties with an opportunity for a more collaborative approach to medical education.

The following courses are offered under the joint auspices of several of the departments of the Jacobs School.

It is anticipated that this “team-teaching approach” in each course will add depth and breadth to the students’ curriculum.

Course Descriptions

  • IDM 520/521 Clinical Practice of Medicine (CPM-1), 4 credits
    The Clinical Practice of Medicine is a two-year course which is designed to provide you with the fundamental knowledge and skills required in clinical practice.
  • IDM 540 Continuing Experience in Clinical Medicine, 0.5 credit
    This course will enable students to pursue a suitable clinical experience chosen according to the interest of the student and under the supervision of the faculty.
  • IDM 560 Health in the Neighborhood, 4 credits
    The course is composed of discussions with students and faculty, sessions in the Martin Luther King Neighborhood, and class discussions at the medical school. Students will keep reflective on-line logs of their weekly experiences.
  • IDM 620/621 Clinical Practice of Medicine (CPM-2), 4 credits
    This course provides students with the basic clinical skills needed for their third-year clinical clerkships. It is a continuation of the first-year CPM course.
  • IDM 640 Continuing Experience in Clinical Medicine, 0.5 credit
    This course will enable students to pursue a suitable clinical experience chosen according to the interest of the student and under the supervision of the faculty.
  • IDM 701 Dilemmas in Clinical Medicine, 1 credit
    The Dilemmas in Clinical Medicine (DCM) course is designed as a year-long experience in addressing human and ethical issues in medicine and the decision-making process.
  • IDM 730 Core Topics, 2 credits
    This course will provide students with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enhance their ability to provide care to and interact with patients they will encounter during their clinical clerkships and electives.
  • IDM 810 Transition to Residency
    As students transition from medical school to residency, satisfactory completion of all steps necessary for this transition are fulfilled. For example, completing checklists for graduation, ERAS, The Match, Step 2 exams, etc.
  • IDM 820 An Introduction to Designing Medical Curriculum, 4 credits
    This four-week elective will provide an overview of basic principles in the development of medical curriculum. 
  • IDM 822 Becoming Medical Educators, 4 credits
    The purpose of this elective is to provide medical students with an early introduction to basic educational principles and to begin developing their skills as teachers in the health care system.