Please refer to the coursebook for elective offerings within each department. Electives listed have information regarding prerequisites (if any), when it is being offered, number of students spots, clerkship director and coordinator information should you have questions.
You are limited to three away electives. The same away elective course below can be registered for more than once. After being accepted to an away elective through VSLO|VSAS, you must be registered for the corresponding away elective course listed below using the away elective form.
Students may, by special arrangement, elect to undertake research experience with any member of the UB faculty. Rotations may extend for periods of one to several modules as long as the student’s schedule will allow. The value of the research, its goals, design, techniques, etc., are to be arranged by the student and his or her faculty preceptor.
For a research elective, you will need to identify a faculty mentor and department you will be working under. Students should discuss project ideas with their mentor and provide a short description of the research they would like to conduct during the elective. Students will then take this description to the department chair and/or course director for approval. Additionally, you are required to submit a formal research proposal for Dr. David Milling, senior associate dean for medical education's review and approval.
When you submit your proposal to Dr. Milling, please also copy the department coordinator and the medical school Registrar, Shannon Okonczak in the email. If the research proposal is not approved before the start of the module, the elective will be dropped from your student record and you will be short of an elective in meeting graduation requirements and potentially not be in full time status compliance.